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"I'm sorry," I begin. "For being short with you."

She shakes her head. "No, you were right. I shouldn't blame his family. They couldn't help because they didn't know. That's not their fault. And although I certainly don't like the position Denise is trying to put you in, I do understand that she's in pain and confused. They all are."

"It's hard, to be there. I feel like they think I'm his replacement sometimes. Waiting for me to morph into him and fill the hole he left behind. Like you said, I know it's not their fault, and they don't mean to do it, but it leaves me feeling so...out of place. Which is weird because I spent who knows how many days there, being a part of their household, and now, it just feels so strained."

She nods. "I can see that on your face every time you come back from there. Like it exhausts you. You do know it's okay to take a little time away from them, right? From their house, from working at the store. They're grieving, but it's okay for you to step away to grieve as well. You don't have to punish yourself in the process of your grieving Elijah. They don't go hand in hand."

Is that what I'm doing, punishing myself? I know it may very well be. Because, for so long now, I thought I deserved that punishment. But I'm not so sure I do anymore.

"Well, speaking of time away, I'm leaving this weekend."

She arches a brow, lips starting to form a smile. "Oh, are you now? Going to try your hand in Vegas?"

"Yeah right." I chuckle. "Nope, going away with Jolie. I found this place online I hope she'll like. It's a couple of hours away from here."

"I like the sound of that. Exactly what you need right now."

"I think so too. We're gonna leave on Friday, after her classes."

"Now grandma's boy," She crooks her finger and I move a little closer. "You are my grandma's boy. I am not quite ready for a great-grandma's boy."

I back up, laughing. "Nice way to put it. Point taken."

"Okay. Then I guess you have some packing to do, huh?"

"Yeah." I stand.

"Or should I say you have some hoodies to throw into a bag."

"I'll have you know Jolie loves my hoodies, thank you very much."

"Oh, I think that girl loves a whole lot about you."

I still, wondering if she's correct. Then I'm heading back down the hallway, into my room, and pulling out a small bag. I do pack a few hoodies, some for me and some for Jolie, before putting everything else in. I set the bag at the end of my bed, wishing it was Friday already.
