Page 10 of The Crush Next Door

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I shrugged. "Kind of. But it's more than that."

"How so?"

He really wasn't going to let this go, so I decided to tell him. "I guess I miss having someone to live with. I've always had a roommate, and then Devon and I lived together for the last year. So this is really the first time I've lived by myself."

"And how old are you?"

"Oh, my God. Judgy much?" I shoved him in the shoulder. Oh, that was a mistake. All that bare skin.

"I'm joking. Joking." He laughed. "So get a roommate."

"I don't want a roommate. I love living alone."

"But—but you just said—"

"It's only at night," I clarified.

"Ahhh, so you're scared of the dark," he teased.

I scrunched my lips together and shook my head while he laughed.

"You totally are," he said. "Just admit it."

A sigh escaped me. "Yeah, I totally am."

Holding my breath, I waited for the onslaught of jokes I was sure he'd throw at me. But his next words shocked me.


"Really?" I gasped. "You don't think I'm a total coward?"

"I didn't say that exactly."


He laughed once again. "Kidding. Man, you shouldn't take me so seriously."

"I'm beginning to realize that."

The announcers on TV caught our attention as the Dodgers actually managed to get on base, and I gobbled down some popcorn. Hanging out with Josh was actually kind of fun. And it was nice to watch a game with someone else. Devon wasn't into baseball and neither were any of my friends.

It'd been a very long time since I'd had someone to watch the Dodgers with... not since my dad, my brother, and I used to annoy my mom during baseball season, eating dinner in front of the TV on those hot summer nights.

But I didn't want to think about that right now. I didn't want to be sad, so I just stuffed my face with Josh's food, including hot dogs that he brought out after the sixth inning.

When he handed me a plate, I laughed in his face. "This is so typical. Is this how you always eat?"

"Come on. It's classic baseball fare."


"But no. I can't maintain this—" He paused to point to his abs. "—eating crap like this all the time."

"Oh, my God. You are too much."

"Yeah, I know. But I don't get many complaints. So..."

I couldn't help laughing. And yes, I rolled my eyes. But he totally, one-hundred percent deserved it.
