Page 16 of The Crush Next Door

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"God, that was good," Josh said, licking his fingers. "I almost don't care that you just ruined the game today."

Laughing, I watched him as he took the plates back into the kitchen.

"So," he said from around the corner, "did you sleep better last night? I don't really remember this morning. I'm not so great at that hour."

"Yeah, I kind of noticed. All you did was grunt at me."

He chuckled as he came back into the living room and settled on the couch, reaching for the remote. "And all you did was grunt back."

Stifling an eye-roll, I watched the TV warily as it flicked on. "I don't grunt," I said, to which Josh snorted. "But anyway, yes, I slept like a goddamn baby last night. Magic is the sweetest, cutest, cuddliest dog ever."

At that, the big dog ran over and snuggled into my side. "He's going to lose his street cred if he keeps hanging out with you," Josh said.

I covered his ears and leaned closer to Magic. "Don't even listen to him."

My phone buzzed right when the game started, and I looked down to see my mom asking me a question. "I saw these cute flip-flops at DSW. What size do you wear again?"

"Size 7," I wrote back. "Thanks, Mom!"

A second after I pressed send, my phone rang, and I let out an annoyed sound. "Ugh. My mom just totally text trapped me." Now, I had no choice but to pick up or she'd never leave me alone.

"Hi, Mom," I said, trying to keep the exasperation out of my voice.

"Hi, dear. Did you get my text?"

Giving Josh an irritated glance, I answered, "Yes. I just replied. Did you not get it?"

"Oh, I got it. I just wanted to make sure you got mine."

"Mom, how could I answer your text if I didn't receive your text?"

There was a funny beat of silence before she continued, and I wasn't sure if she was being manipulative in her mom way or if she was genuinely confused. She really did have issues with her phone sometimes. Well, more like operator error issues.

"Anyway," she continued, "I'll pick up the shoes next time I'm there. They're really cute with lots of turquoise stones all across the straps."

"Ooh, they do sound cute."

"She doesn't need any more flip-flops," Josh said loudly next to me, laughing.

"Who's that?" my mom asked, her voice intensely curious.

"It's just my neighbor, Josh."

And then to Josh's great amusement, she gave me the third degree. Where were we? What were we doing? And why? Once I appeased her curiosity, she shocked me when she asked to speak to him.

"Really?" I asked. "Why on earth would you want to talk to him?"

I glared at Josh. If he had kept his mouth shut about the shoes, she would have never even known about him.

"I'd love to talk to her," Josh said, attempting to grab my phone from me.

In the end, I let him have it. If these two were so intent on speaking to each other, fine, I'd just let them.

Josh held the phone slightly away from his ear as my mom spoke. Yeah, she was loud and kind of hurt the eardrums. But at least I could catch a few words here and there.

As she talked, Josh's amused glance flicked between me and the television where the game was getting going. Oh, Lordy, I hoped we weren't in for a long chat.

"Yeah," Josh finally said, smiling. "I know she's engaged. That's all she talks about."
