Page 25 of The Crush Next Door

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Again, he didn't answer right away, making me realize how seriously Josh was taking this new venture of his.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. I've done a shit-ton of research on it. But I think the biggest thing I need to fix is it's kind of boring with just me. It's kind of—"

A gasp escaped me as I suddenly noticed some creepy clown guy on a unicycle approaching us. I clutched onto Josh's arm, and he gave me a funny look, his lips in a half-smile.

"You scared of clowns too?" he asked.

My eyes couldn't look away from the painted face that grew closer and closer. "No, no, of course not," I said, my voice coming out in a squeak because truthfully, clowns were almost as scary as the dark to me.

His arm came around me reassuringly. Then with his other hand, he pointed in the opposite direction. "Hey, look, it's Chris Hemsworth playing volleyball shirtless."

"W-what?" My jaw gaped open, my eyes darting through the mass of glistening pecs and washboard abs on display surrounding a nearby volleyball net. "Where? My God, where?"

I rushed off the boardwalk into the sand to stare some more. I mean, these guys were pretty hot, but someone like Chris Hemsworth should have stood out. You'd think I would have noticed freaking Thor right away.

Josh's arm squeezed against my side as he broke out in laughter. "Oh, my God, I wish I had a picture of your face!"

Turning to look at him, I swatted his arm away, my hands going to my hips. "What? Did you just make that up?"

Looking pleased with himself, Josh nodded. "Of course. How else was I going to make you forget your coulrophobia?"

"Excuse me? My what?" I asked, my eyes narrowing at a very smirky Josh.

"Your fear of..." He looked around before whispering the dreaded word. "...clowns."

I glanced up and down the boardwalk and realized the thing-that-shall-not-be-named was gone. "I love-slash-hate you," I said to Josh.

He laughed loudly as an impatient Magic pulled at his leash. "We better go. But first, you might want to wipe the drool from your mouth, bro."

Elbowing him, I looked both ways before I walked back onto the sidewalk, making sure I didn't get bulldozed by some flailing, out-of-control tourist trying to balance on rented rollerblades.

As we began walking and images of Thor slowly faded from my mind, Josh suddenly made a noise, almost a gasp like he was excited about something.

"I just had an idea," he blurted out.

"Oh? How's that feel? Does your brain hurt?"

He shot me a glare. "I might regret this idea, though."

That certainly piqued my interest. "Okay. So what is it?"

For a moment, he hesitated. And for some strange reason, my heart rate escalated because I had this gut feeling that this idea somehow involved me.

I could sense Josh's gaze on me from the corner of my eye, so I turned to look at him as we walked. God, were his eyes always this bright? They seriously rivaled the ocean right now. And the way the sun glinted off his hair was almost hypnotic.

"So you know how you like sports and all?" Josh began.

"Yeah?" I asked, heart pounding now.

His eyes grew even more intense. "And you know how my podcast is maybe a little boring with me gabbing away by myself?"

"Uh-huh?" Oh, God, where was he going with this?

"Well, what if you joined me?"

I stared at him, the idea swirling around in my mind.

"We could call it the Josh and Jessica show," he said.
