Page 41 of The Crush Next Door

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At the same time, we kept going to the studio, practicing, trying to get our thirty minutes just right and create that perfect combo of sports, humor, and fun.

The days flew by, turning into weeks, as I stayed busier than ever. All my free time went into this podcast. Every night, I still spoke to my sweet fiancé, and he had suggestions too, a note of pride in his voice that I was so passionate about something.

The feeling was so incredibly strange for me. Never in my life had I cared about something so much. Well, you know, except for my family and loved ones. But as far as work stuff? I was usually ambivalent, just getting by, trying my best of course, but not really putting my heart into it.

But this?I absolutely loved it. I mean, I got to talk about my beloved Dodgers, baseball, sports, have fun, be silly, be creative.

And the feeling was indescribable.

I was in love. I had no idea such a thing was possible. But it filled me up in a different way than being in love with Devon did. It was—dare I say it?—somehow more fulfilling because it wasn't about relying on anyone else.

It was all about me and my own passions in life.

If only I could dedicate all my time to it. But I couldn't because still, we didn't have much of an audience.

So every weekday morning, I trudged off to Beverly Hills, wondering if I'd get another call from someone hoping Dr. Haute could surgically give them wings.

Yep, that was a real request.

And the worst part was Anaya was now gone. Her final two weeks had flown by, a big party on her last day, and now I was all alone with Allison, who was super grumpy about trying to train someone new while also organizing Dr. Haute's annual fundraising bash.

I tried to make it up to the poor new girl by being extra nice and training her myself as much as I could so she wouldn't have to ask Allison anything. She even texted me in the afternoons with questions.

The night of the gala arrived, and I was beyond excited because Anaya was going to meet me there. And I was going to do everything I could to push her to make a move on Dr. Hot. In the week and a half she'd been gone, I'd hoped something would happen. But crickets.

Come on! These two clearly liked each other, but they were both too damn shy.

And even better, I'd talked Josh into going with me to the event. I needed all the help I could get trying to strategize in my new role as matchmaker.

Slipping on my dreaded, strappy heels by my front door, I adjusted my boobs one final time, making sure nothing was out of place in my one-shoulder, black dress before I met Josh outside.

He was getting an Uber so we wouldn't have to worry about parking and we could both drink. I'd completely sold Josh on the food and open bar because they were the best parts of this event for sure. And seeing Dr. Hot in his suit was always a bonus, not that Josh cared about that. But Anaya and I always ogled him all night as he made the rounds, trying to raise money for his favorite cause—wounded warriors.

Grabbing my tiny purse, I slipped out the door, locking it behind me, then held on to the rail as I carefully walked down the steps. I heard a noise below but didn't look, concentrating and counting the open cobblestone stairs one by one. They were death traps for heels.

Eventually, I made it to the end where a hand reached out to grab me.

"Whoa, that was scary. I thought I'd have to catch you any second there," Josh said.

Laughing, I looked up finally and my breath caught at the sight in front of me. My God, Josh looked absolutely incredible in his suit.

"I, um, wow," I said, swallowing hard. "You clean up nice, bro."

His blue eyes lit up like the ocean on a bright sunny day. "Thanks. So do you."

For a long moment, we stared at each other, not saying anything, until Josh's phone made a noise, breaking the weird spell.

"Car's here," he said, glancing away. "You ready?"

He held out an elbow, and I gladly took it. I hated heels, and I felt like a wobbly newborn colt. Not sexy in the least.

But who cared? I already had my man, and we had a date later. Ahem, that kind of date because Devon loved chatting when I was drunk these days. And he knew from going with me to this event last year that I would be drinking lots of top-shelf liquor tonight.

For now, though, I'd focus on the evening ahead of me and having a chance to hang out with my very best friend who'd be meeting Josh for the first time.
