Page 47 of The Crush Next Door

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But finally, we were ready to go, and Dr. Haute, Allison, Anaya, Josh, and I made our way downstairs where we did a weird juggling game, getting Allison to leave first so she wouldn't know about the impending hook-up of her boss and former employee.

No need for her to know.

I noticed Dr. Haute had trouble meeting my eye too. How awkward, so Josh and I high-tailed it out of there, me waving from the car at Anaya who stood there so nervously. But I couldn't help it. I felt like such a proud mom as I turned around to watch them from the rear window.

And sure enough, when our driver pulled out, Dr. Haute put his arm around her and pulled her in for a kiss. Eek!

"Stare much?" Josh said, laughing beside me in the back seat.

I elbowed him as I faced forward again. "I'm just so happy."

"That is pretty cool," he admitted. "Four years is a long time to wait."

"Right? My girl has patience. Way more patience than me."

For the rest of the short ride, I told him about Anaya's dating history, and I'm sure he was thrilled to learn about it all, how she'd been with some jerky guys in the past, and how wonderful it was that she'd held out for someone who I knew would treat her like the queen she was.

"You know what I'm excited for?" I asked Josh after we arrived home and began to walk towards our apartments.

"Uh, no. What?"

"I can hardly wait to hear details about what Dr. Hot's like in bed," my drunk ass blurted out.

Instead of telling me how crazy I was, Josh laughed and shook his head, pausing by his steps. "You'll have to let me know if he has any good moves like that one from before."

Excuse me? So Josh had liked that. Interesting.

As we stared at each other in the darkness and I thought about what to say, my phone beeped. "Devon," I said, looking at his text. "Wondering if I made it home okay."

Josh let out a deep breath. "All right. Have a good rest of your night then."

"Yeah. You too," I said, taking one final glance at the image in front of me, of Josh still with his sleeves rolled up, his open collar, his jacket in his hand slung over one shoulder.

"Will do," he replied, turning to go.

"Hey, Josh?" I said, still standing there.

He faced me again, his eyes unreadable in the dark. "What's up?"

A swell of gratitude filled me, at this great guy who was turning out to be an amazing friend and business partner. "Thanks for coming with me tonight. I know you would have been happier watching the game. But I want you to know... I really appreciated that."

His big smile caught me off guard. "No worries. I had fun."

"Good." And now, I turned to go, aware that Devon was waiting for me and it was late there.

"Hey, Jessica?" Josh's voice sounded behind me.

Jessica, not bro. "Yes?" I asked.

"Don't forget to close your window."

Fucking jerk. I stomped up the stairs, clinging onto the rail and counting silently to myself, Josh's laughter my soundtrack.

Damn it. He was right, though. I definitely needed the reminder to close my window.
