Page 59 of The Crush Next Door

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Alien Ant Farm

A loud knocking broke into my sleep.

"Jessica. Are you okay?" I heard a voice in my dream say.

What the hell? What was going on?

The knocking on the wall sounded again, and I groaned.

"Go away," I grumbled.

And then my phone started to buzz. Ugh, stop it already. Every noise hurt my big, bloated head which felt like a balloon about to float away.

I grabbed my phone. Who on earth was annoying me so much?

Josh. Of course.

"Are you coming over for the game or what?" he wrote.

The game? The game was still hours away, right?

Checking the time, I gasped. Four o'clock. What? That couldn't be right. How could I have possibly slept the whole day away?

And now the knocking sound came from the front door.

Geez. The guy was relentless.

Bitching the whole time, I lumbered out of bed like a bear waking from hibernation and made my way to the front door, opening it slowly. "I'm sick. Could you leave me alone already?" I said, covering my mouth with my elbow.

Josh's eyes widened as he took in my face, his glance quickly going up and down my body. I didn't even care that I was barely wearing anything. That's how sick I was at the moment.

"Wow. That must have been some weekend with your fiancé."

An eye-roll would have been nice, but it hurt too much. So I tried to shut the door in his face, but his foot stopped it.

"Hey, come on," he said, "let me help."

"No. I don't want you to get sick too."

"No worries." He gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "I have the immune system of, um, of an ox."

I snorted. Did oxen have good immune systems? What the hell did I know about livestock?

Not able to stand anymore on my shaky legs, I stumbled to the couch and collapsed. "I have no energy to fight you. So do whatever you want," I mumbled, pulling the blanket over me.

Through my half-closed eyes, I saw him walk through the door and close it. "Wow. Do whatever I want? This is a side of you I never thought I'd see."

"Hmmph," I grunted.

"Have you taken anything for it yet?"

"No. I'm too lazy," I admitted.

"You're not lazy. It's called being sick," he argued. "So where do you keep all your cold medicine and stuff?"

"Hall closet."

Having the same apartment layout as me, only the mirror opposite, Josh knew exactly where to look, and returned a few seconds later to spill everything onto my coffee table.
