Page 86 of The Crush Next Door

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I'd never in my life seen her eyes go so wide, the amount of white emphasizing her beautiful brown irises. "I—I—"

Clearly, she was in shock. Shaking my head, I watched the emotions play out on her expressive face. The surprise faded to be replaced by narrowed eyes, and I knew my best friend was now pissed off.

"That fucking bastard!" she exclaimed, drawing glares from the older patrons at the booth beside us.

"Right?" I said in a quiet tone. "Can you even believe that?"

She leaned back, shaking her head repeatedly. "No. I actually can't. I mean, you were so scared of that very thing. But I've got to admit... I thought you were being a bit crazy."

"Thanks. Thanks so much."

And now she moved forward again. "Sorry. But it sounded so crazy. Because Devon was like madly in love with you."

"Was. That's the key word."

Again, her head moved back and forth like she still couldn't quite believe it all. "I guess."

"I thought we were so solid. But all it took was a few months apart and a hot wedding planner."

A waitress stopped by to take our order. Fortunately, Anaya and I knew exactly what we wanted because we hadn't even glanced at our menus.

Once she was gone, we picked right back up with our conversation, Anaya asking me a million questions about the particulars, how I found out, the text from Kirsten, and then the phone call with Devon.

Her mouth hung open as I told her the whole story. "Good for you," she said rather seriously when I was all done.

Our waitress arrived with our food, and I sat back while she put our plates down, Anaya's words ringing in my head. As soon as we thanked the waitress and she walked away, I asked Anaya, "What do you mean? Good for me?"

Immediately, she stole a freaking fry from me, but I didn't even say anything. I was too consumed with our conversation to care about food stealing, which was saying something for sure.

"Yeah, good for you," she said, munching away. "Good for you for not taking any crap from him, not letting him talk you into giving him another chance or something. You just said, 'That's it. It's over.' I'm proud of you."

"Well, thanks?" That struck me hard. I didn't think Anaya had ever said anything like that to me before. Not that she wasn't proud of me or anything. It was just an unusual thing for her to say.

She watched me, carefully studying my face while I chewed on a handful of fries.

"What? Do I have ketchup on my face or something?"

"No." She laughed. "No ketchup."

"Then what? Why are you staring at me?"

She pursed her lips to the side in thought.

"What?" I asked again, impatient to know what was on her mind.

Letting out a breath, she took a huge bite of her wrap, holding out a finger, making me wait even longer. When she finally swallowed, she leaned forward again. "May I say something?"

"Yes," I said, giving her a well-deserved eye-roll. "What the heck is it?"

She wiped her face with a napkin, then settled it back down in her lap, all the while my heart rate accelerating.

"So," she began, "I feel safe saying this because I don't think you're ever going to get back with Devon, right?"

I shot her a sideways look. "Right."

"Okay. Good." She took another bite.

Oh, sweet Jesus. "Just tell me already."
