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“Fill me in,” Kierra repeated as they made their way outside.

The Ranch may be calling it a picnic, but aside from the “eating outside” part, it looked more like an entire festival. There were booths scattered all over the lawns in front of the main lodge and even going up the sides of the road, and Kyra couldn’t wait to check them out. She could see a face-painting booth, a man doing balloon animals, and someone was even drawing caricatures for people. On top of that, there was a giant area dedicated to food with picnic benches covered in checkered tablecloths and a huge grill manned by multiple cooks handing out fully loaded plates.

“This is amazing,” Kyra squealed, jumping up and down. “I want my face painted!”

Brock put his giant hand on her shoulder and gave a little squeeze. “Let’s get some food in you before anything else, and then I’ll find Derek and see that everything is ready for your first set.”

“But I wanna get my face painted first,” she whined.

“Food first.” Brock stood his ground.

“Who died and made you the boss?” Kierra scowled. “Food can wait.”

Brock didn’t argue with Kierra but locked his eyes on Kyra. Her tummy did a funny dance at the stern expression.

“I guess maybe I’m a little hungry,” she caved. She didn’t really want to go toe-to-toe with him in front of everyone.

“Seriously?” Kierra squeaked.

“It all smells so good,” she explained, trying to save face. “Plus, you just got here and I know you’re hungry.”

Kierra shrugged. “I guess I could eat.”

“Eeeeeeeeeeeep!” A screech came from somewhere behind them and Kyra jumped and clutched her chest. She turned around just in time to brace herself for impact that never came. When she opened her eyes she saw a smiling face about six inches from her own, but Brock had managed to catch the woman before she ran into her.

“Oh my goodness, it’s really you. Kyra Kicks! I thought I was dreaming when my Daddy said you would really be here, but here you are.” She wiggled to get out of Brock’s hold.

“I’ll put you down if you promise to respect Kyra’s space,” Brock informed her.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I promise to be good. I’m just so excited to meet you. I swear I am your number one fan. Even with your awesome new hair I would know you anywhere.” The redhead rambled as Brock set her on her feet but kept a hand on her shoulder. “Hi, my name is—”

“Katelyn Rossi!” A tall blonde woman came marching up to them. “What did I tell you about running off and not telling me where you were going?”

“But, Auntie, look. It’s Kyra. I had to meet her! Will you sign an autograph for me? Please?” She looked around frantically. “Oh no.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t have anything for you to sign.”

Kyra’s heart went out to the girl, and she pulled her into a huge hug. “Thank you so much for coming to say hi. I’m nothing without my fans and I really appreciate it.”

Katelyn squeezed her back. “You’re an inspiration.”

“Thank you, Katelyn.”

“Please, call me Katie.”

“Okay, Katie then. How about you leave your contact information at the front desk and I can make sure to sign something and send it to you?”

“Really? Oh my goodness, that would be the coolest. I would appreciate it so much. I can’t wait to hear you play in real life.”

Kyra giggled. The excitement and enthusiasm of the fiery redhead was almost contagious. “I’m excited to play for you all.”

“Okay, Katie-girl. Time to let Kyra get back to the picnic.” The blonde woman reached for Katie’s hand, and with a sigh, she reluctantly took it.

“It was so awesome to meet you.”

“You too. I hope I see you around,” Kyra said, kinda surprised at how much she actually meant it. She had so much fun making Little friends that she wanted to find more. Maybe she would give Katie her e-mail address or something. She turned back to her sister as Katie was ushered away and Kierra shook her head.

“That will never feel normal to me.”

“I hope it never feels normal to me either,” Kyra admitted.
