Page 58 of Whiteout

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“I’m sure Sams—that is, Grant has explained it to you, but I’d like to share in my own words why I have put on this production year after year, for my beloved’s benefit. Would you mind?”

Melinda nodded.

“A few years ago, my girlfriend’s brother made certain catastrophic financial decisions. I didn’t know who she was other than that she was a tenant in my building. She didn’t know that her brother’s creditors were getting anxious about his ability to repay them. Instead of dealing with him directly,” Paul said, lip curling, “they resorted to absconding with her person and holding her for ransom for over a week.”

Melinda shivered. Over a week. A lifetime. Melisa must have been terrified.

“Melisa was essential to her own rescue but I, as well, played a role in it. And as such, when she was freed, she continued to be plagued by fears that she was not strong enough to save herself should the need arise in the future. Quite cleverly, she came up with the idea of someone mock-kidnapping her and of her escaping on her own power.”

Melinda nodded. Most of this was familiar. It was fitting to hear him recount the tale, however, as this appeared to be the end of her own kidnapping scenario.

“Since we had subsequently begun a friendship, I volunteered to play the role of abductor. She outwitted me brilliantly,” Paul said with pride, and Melinda almost smiled. This was the Mastermind, after all.

“Since then,” Paul continued, “it’s been an anniversary we’ve kept to celebrate her escape as well as our union. I can assure you, however, that this is the last time I’ll ever rely on a friend to commit the act for me.” Remorse was writ large across his face. Was it real? “We might need to find another way to celebrate.”

Melinda didn’t know why that made her feel better, but it did. Oh I don’t know, because the margin for error on this was always ridiculous, and no one should go through this again?

“Melisa is with me. She’d like to be the one to take you home,” Paul went on. “We imagine you want to get far away from this hellish place as quickly as possible. Grant and I will tidy up affairs here, and Melisa will take you home and stay until your friends and family arrive. She’s a very soothing presence,” he said with a quick smile, “and has an unfortunate familiarity with what you’ve endured. Although I hope I can assume that your stay in my cabin has been marginally more tolerable with Grant as your chaperone.”

“What the hell?” Grant burst out, hands balled to fists at his sides. “She’s not some tenant with a leaky sink! She got kidnapped, man! Get your managerial head out of—”

“Grant was a total gentleman,” Melinda said before things could get worse, and felt Grant’s jolt of surprise. “After the first misunderstanding, he’s been a savior to me. As for your offer of legal action,” she went on, “thank you. I will think about it. I believe I’ll have a lot to think about in the next few weeks.”

Lighter, quicker footsteps crunched down the snow-covered walkway. A woman several inches shorter than Melinda slipped into the house past Paul. He stepped sideways to accommodate her. Melisa.

Melinda’s gaze flicked between the two of them, then settled on Melisa. Melisa’s hair had slightly more brown than her own, and her lips were slightly less full. Her skin was slightly lighter and she was slightly thinner.

She took in their expressions. Paul’s face had changed from polite diplomacy to something tighter, something strained. He was afraid. Why was he afraid?

Melisa’s face...Melisa’s face was more difficult for Melinda to see because of the anguish in her eyes. She’s intimately aware of my experience. She knows the fear. She thinks I’ve been in hell for the last four days. And by all rights, Melinda should have been, except that somehow things had gone surprisingly right, after they’d gone horribly wrong.

Had they? Could she say that for sure? Melinda stole a glance at Grant and found him watching her. Where were things now? Surprisingly right or horribly wrong? Melinda returned his look until the atoms between them crackled.

Who knew? Who knew what any of this would be like outside of the cabin?

Then Paul drew Melisa close with one arm and Melinda jerked her gaze to them once more. Melisa’s eyes had filled with tears.

“If there’s anything you need, Melinda, we...” He seemed not to know how to finish his sentence. “We’re here for you,” he finished, flatly. His face remained calm, if tense, but now he was pressing Melisa into himself as if to envelop her completely.

He’s afraid for her. He’s afraid of what she’s feeling now.

“Melinda,” Melisa said with a soft, delicately feminine voice. “Melinda...” The tears took over and her face crumpled. “I’m so, so—” Her lower lip trembled, hand flying to conceal her mouth.

Melinda took a cautious step forward, and then another. She reached out a hand, until she caught Melisa’s.

“I think I understand what you two were doing,” Melinda said. “I see that you think you contributed to someone being tortured, as you were.” Melisa’s eyes shone with tears and she nodded.

“Please know that I was very well taken care of.” Again she felt Grant’s movement at her side, this time a stiffening. “Grant melted snow so we could drink water and cook. He kept the fire going constantly. He gave me the bed so I would sleep better.” Don’t blush don’t blush don’t blush. “He even gave me your revolver so I could shoot him if I wanted.” Melisa sniffled a short laugh. “And he carried me, unconscious, through that meadow after I went for a walk and got knocked out by a tree limb.”

Melisa’s face froze in an expression of concern.

“He saved me,” Melinda said. “He was there for me. I was protected. I was not alone.” Melinda didn’t know where her words were coming from, she just knew that she wanted to reassure Melisa that she herself hadn’t gone through the same hell. She guessed that that thought had been haunting Melisa for the entire time the blizzard had kept them all trapped.

“I’m so sorry,” Melisa managed. “I’ve been sick thinking of you up here. Scared...hopeless—” She turned her face into Paul’s chest. His arms immediately enfolded her, and Melinda saw his face was tight with pain as he bent his head to whisper in her ear. She imagined the words he’d use to comfort her, imagined the way he’d warm his voice to soothe her guilt and memories.

“Melisa.” Melinda spoke quietly. “It’s clear that the last few days have been more traumatic for you than they’ve been for me. I don’t want that for you; please consider that when you’re thinking about this later.” Melisa pulled her head away from Paul’s chest and Melinda saw her deep, forced breaths, her efforts to be calm.

Melinda wished she could take Grant’s hand and steady herself, too. She wished he could wrap his big bear arms around her and cocoon her in safety the way Paul cocooned Melisa.
