Page 44 of Always Hiding

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Ihad never been closeenough to Marcus to actually smell his scent. My nose wasn’t as strong as alphas or omegas, so I had to get pretty close to even Rio and Adair to smell their scents, but now, as I wandered dazedly into Adair’s bedroom, I knew exactly what Marcus Whitlock smelled like. The uptight, British lawyer smelled just like a vanilla birthday cake. It had been so shockingly sweet that I was second-guessing myself about it even now. It had to be something that my buzzed mind was conjuring up, there was no way that such a serious alpha could smell like that...right?

“You alright, gorgeous?” Rio asked, his own buzz still evident in the sparkle of his brown eyes. While I had been in the kitchen kissing Marcus, Rio and Adair had divested themselves of all of their clothing except for their black boxer shorts.

Because of Adair’s busy schedule, we had yet to all be together as a trio. This would be our first time, and I was filled with a heated anticipation. It was like Marcus had lit my sexual pilot light with his lips, and now Rio and Adair were about to turn my burners up to ten.

The two seemed to pick up on my inner feelings almost immediately, and I wondered what sort of expression I had on my face. I never tried to cover up my emotions with them anymore, I didn’t need to.

“She’s alright,” Adair purred, and suddenly they were on either side of me, pulling my hands to their bare chests. “She does, however, smell like birthday cake.”

I opened my mouth to apologize—for what I don’t know—but Rio pressed a kiss to my lips. “We don’t mind, we’re just a bit surprised.” I guess they hadn’t expected Marcus to kiss me either.

Adair’s hands slid up my thigh before tugging my pink dress over my head.

“I love it when you wear tights.” Adair rumbled as his hands smoothed over the sheer tights that covered my thighs. “Rio, can you grab me a pair of scissors?”

Rio dutifully headed into the bathroom, and Adair led me over to his bed. I’d only slept in it once, but it was big enough to fit at least five people, so there would be no problem for the three of our...activities.

“Why do you need scissors?” I asked as Adair removed my bra and tossed it over his shoulder.

“Because you are going to help me fulfill a little fantasy that I’ve always had.” With that he crawled over my body and kissed me, his tongue slipping between my lips when I gasped at the sudden onslaught.

The sound of the bathroom door clicking open brought our attention back to Rio, who stood with a pair of scissors in one hand and a bottle of lubricant in the other.

Taking the scissors from Rio, Adair leaned back and lifted one of my legs, pressing a kiss into the inside of my tights-covered ankle. Then, he began to work his way up my leg, peppering kisses as he went. Everytime that his lips touched my skin, my body shuddered with anticipation and pleasure.

At some point, Rio had slipped onto the bed behind me. I leaned back into his warm chest and we both watched Adair slowly kiss his way up my leg. “You know, Adair has always had a thing for tights and stockings. Unfortunately, I can’t really pull them off.” I glanced up at him and saw that his brown eyes were dancing with laughter at his own joke. At the image of Rio in a pair of stockings and a garter belt, I couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of me.

I reached up and curled my fingers into his beard before drawing him in for a long kiss, inhaling his cedar scent deeply into my lungs.

I heard the scissors before I felt them, the room filled with an audiblesnikas Adair tugged on the portion of the tights that were over my crotch area and began to cut.

Breaking free from my kiss with Rio, I glared at Adair. “These are expensive, you know.” I scolded as I watched Adair meticulously cut the stockings until my entire crotch was exposed.

“I’ll buy you new ones. In fact, I’ll buy you enough so that I can have fun fucking you in them whenever I want.” He then lifted my thong away from my wet pussy and sliced through that as well. When he was finished, my legs were splayed wide and I was exposed to the cool air and the hot eyes of the alphas in the room with me.

“Adair is a menace when it comes to online shopping.” Rio said with a chuckle before he reclaimed my mouth again, and my eyes drifted shut.

Warm fingers tweaked my nipples, and I fully expected Adair to use his fingers to ready me for his cock, instead, I nearly yelped when his tongue brushed past my clit. Immediate, zinging pleasure radiated from my pussy as he slid his tongue through my folds.

Rio continued to kiss me, his teeth grazing my lower lip, and I wasn’t sure how the two of them were doing it, but somehow they began to match the movement of their tongues. Every time Rio slid his tongue into my mouth, I could feel Adair’s push inside of the entrance of my pussy.

I broke away from Rio. “Stop teasing me so much.” I gasped as my legs began to lock up with an oncoming orgasm.

“Should we, Rio?” Adair asked as he lifted his head and rested it on the lower part of my stomach. His lips and chin shone naughtily with my wetness, and I felt my insides clench at the sight.

“I suppose...shehasbeen a very good girl, after all.” Rio pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, right over where my pulse was currently racing.

“Yes, she has, and good girls should always get a reward.” Adair moved up my body as he slid his boxer shorts, exposing the rock-hard cock beneath.

“Come here, Ri,” he pressed a kiss to Rio’s lips, and I watched Rio’s tongue snake out to lick some of my wetness off of Adair’s lips. My entire body clenched again at the sight, and I was pleased as punch to be able to witness something like this. I had only heard stories from these two alphas about their sexual relationship, but seeing it was a whole other level of hot.

After a minute or two, the two turned to look at me with twin grins. “I think Madeline likes to watch,” Rio whispered, and Adair nodded.

“We’ll have to show her eventually how two alphas make love, but tonight is all about her.” Adair leaned in and murmured something into Rio’s ear, and his brown eyes lit up with excitement.

“Go ahead and straddle me, honey,” We all shifted until Adair was sitting cross-legged on the bed. I hovered over him, the head of his cock notched at my entrance as he ran his hands over my tights-covered thighs before pushing me down onto his length in one long stroke. A moan of pleasure tugged free from my throat as I was filled completely. The sound of a drawer opening from somewhere behind Adair made me peer over his shoulder at whatever Rio was doing.

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