Page 51 of Always Hiding

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“You seem very comfortable in there, talking with those people.” Marcus said, breaking the silence first. From anyone else, I would have just shrugged, but Marcus made it sound like there was something nefarious behind chatting with people at a party.

“You must have done that a lot growing up,” he continued, slanting his green-eyed gaze in my direction. It was easy enough to read between the lines of his words, he was insinuating that I must have been rich enough to attend parties like this as a child...because of who my parents were. He was doing the same exact thing that everyone inside of the party did, except I hadn’t cared when they had done it. They had no idea who I was, at least not past my name. Marcus had known me for almost six months, and was still hanging onto the idea that I was going to turn into a spoiled brat the moment that he let his guard down.

“I didn’t, not really. My brother and his pack went to parties like this, but they didn’t force me. I learned a lot about how to talk to people like that because it’s what I had to do to survive.” I knew that Marcus probably knew very little about my childhood. Adair and Rio wouldn’t say anything about it without asking me for my permission, and I was pretty sure that whatever files that a private investigator could dig up wouldn’t be accurate. After all, my parents had paid good money to cover up their shitty parenting. “You have to know that I grew up with my brother, right?”

“I figured, since he and his pack treat you more like a daughter than a sister.” Marcus nodded, but he was obviously not getting it.

“My parents aren’t good people Marcus,” I looked for any change in his expression and found none. Why was I doing this to myself? If I had learned anything in the last six months, it was that I didn’t have to explainanythingabout myself in order to get love and affection. Even if I really wanted it from the alpha in front of me. Marcus could get more information about my past when he earned it. Either he liked me for who I was, or he didn’t like me at all.

I straightened my spine, and took a step away from him. “Marcus, I don’t know much about your past, and you haven’t really given me a chance to learn...but the road goes both ways.” I gestured between the two of us, and Marcus opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

“No. I think you need to figure out what you think about me and what you feel for me, and decide where you stand. Because it sucks feeling like I’m constantly being yanked back and forth by you. I am a good person, and I shouldn’t have to convince you about that fact. So, when you figure it out, come and find me, but until then, stop looking at me like you want to tear my clothes off.” I turned away from him and headed back inside, leaving him standing by himself on the balcony.
