Page 133 of Brutal Royal

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He gives me a dark smile. “What are your thoughts about revenge porn?”

“Huh?” My mind instantly goes to the humiliating video Brent broadcasted to everyone I knew. How it tore my life, and my family, apart.

Owen takes his phone out of his pocket, taps on the screen a few times, and then turns it to face me. A whip crack sounds through the speakers, then the camera focuses on Brent.

He’s at just the right angle so you can clearly see his face, and the fact that he’s gripping both butt cheeks and holding them apart. But the camera is angled so his dick and his asshole—thank God—aren’t visible.

The Falcon is, though. She’s standing in clear view holding a massive pink dildo.

I slap my hand over the screen. “What the hell?”

Owen takes his phone away, tapping a few times on the screen. When he faces it my way again, there’s a ‘send’ button visible.

“Tit for tat,” he says. “Tap that button, and everyone who saw your video will see his.”

Cold flushes down my face. I shake my head, my eyes growing wide. “I… I can’t do that.”

Owen frowns, looking genuinely puzzled. “It’s time to balance the scales, Evie.”

“You can’t make me do this,” I whisper, gripping the collar around my neck that suddenly feels much too tight.

“I’m not making you do anything,” he says, his frown deepening. “This is entirely your choice.”

I stare at the phone, then up at Owen.

I guess everyone wishes they could see into the future, especially when they’re faced with difficult decisions. My father gave me one today, Owen another.

Brent is an evil man. He should be punished for what he did. His actions left a permanent scar on my life… so why the hell can’t I do the same?

I have two ways to tackle this. I could do what my father wants, and open a case against him. But I stand the chance that it will just get swept under the rug.

Or I could do what Owen wants, and forever taint Brent’s name.

“Will he know it was me?” I whisper.

“Completely anonymous. For all intents and purposes, Brent got spiked and woke up with a sore ass and a video showing how that happened circulating to all his friends.”

I lick my lips. “And what if I wanted him to know it was me?”

Owen gives me a dark smile. It promises so many things—chaos, and pain, and sweet, sweet revenge.

But above all, it promises an end to my suffering.

“I’ll give you the world on a silver platter. All you have to do is ask.”

I bite my lip, and Owen drops his eyes to my mouth with a stifled groan. Grabbing my collar, he drags me against his lips, suffocating me with a kiss.

I have no idea what I’ll choose to do, but there’s one thing I do know.

No matter what I decide, Owen is the answer to all those silent prayers I whispered into my tear-soaked pillow at night. The ones where I begged for someone to save me from myself.

He is my savior.

But, if I’m not careful, he might just be my undoing.

I will have to choose wisely.

The End
