Page 35 of Rust

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She beamed, looking like her troubles had just melted away. “Thank yousomuch, Rust.”

“No problem,” I said, smiling back at her. “And hey, don’t worry so much. I can tell you’ve got a bright future. You just have to be patient. Success really does take time.” I paused. “Besides, you know what the best part about getting older is?”

“Tell me,” she said, her eyes eagerly lighting.

“You figure out what you want and what you don’t.”

She looked away and muttered something under her breath. Something that sounded a lot like,“That’s hot.”

I leaned closer. “What’s that? What’d you say?”

“Nothing.” She bit her lip coyly. “It’s just that a lot of guys my age don’t know what they want, you know?”

I laughed. “Boys your age have a lot of growing up to do, Isabelle.”

“Tell me about it.” She let out a noise that was half-laugh, half-groan. “They tell you they want one thing, when actually they want something else entirely. It’s like they don’t even have the slightest clue what they want.”

I knew I had to be careful as our eyes met once more. We were playing with fire. No good could come from this. Yet I couldn’t look away.

“That’s because they don’t know what they want,” I said. “But that’ll change once they grow up.”

“How do you know?” she asked. The seductively sweet note in her voice pulled me closer and hijacked my senses.

“Because I’m at the age where I knowexactlywhat I want,” I heard myself say.

Slowly, surely, I felt myself moving through time and space, drawn closer by some irresistible force.The closer I got to Isabelle, less I cared about doing the right thing—all I wanted was to feel her pretty pink lips on mine.

“Tell me, Rust,” she whispered huskily. “What do you want?”

You,I thought as I leaned in.I want you, Isabelle.
