Page 46 of United Loyalties

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I wake as I have every morning this week, with Cam tucked under my arm. I use my free hand to move her thick hair behind her ear to give me a view of her beautiful face. A dark mark on her neck mars her flawless skin. Seeing her with my mark on her does things to me, though. I’m not sure how I got this lucky, but I damn well plan on keeping her. She’s so fucking precious. I just hope she doesn’t realize how important to me she has become. This woman has me by the balls, the last thing I need is her knowing this information.

I slide out of bed and throw on a pair of sweats.

Cam has been managing to eat eggs this week, and after the busy day and night we had yesterday, I plan on bringing her breakfast in bed. Treating her like the queen she is.

I’m surprised to hear a knock on my door.

Max wouldn’t just show up, he would text first. Only him, Leo, Sergio, and Liam, Cam’s other guard, have access to this floor.

Must be one of the guards.

I grab my gun and slip it into the back of my sweats as I open the door. No one looks through a fucking peephole, that’s a sure way to get your head blown off.

I’m taken aback by who is standing in front of me. How does she even know where I fucking live? I never brought her here, not once.

“Jade?” I tilt my head in question.

“Can I come in?” she asks quietly whilst twiddling her fingers nervously in front of her.

I step back and allow her entrance into the hallway.

“What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live? And how did you manage to get onto this level?” I glare at her as I demand answers.

She cowers back at the whip of my questions.

“I followed you from Onyx a few nights ago. Then I came back and hid in the lot, I used my phone to record the code to get access to your elevator.” She speaks so quietly I can barely hear her.

Fuck, I really need to improve my fucking security.

Not for my sake but for the woman I now call my wife that now lives here.

“And the point of your visit?” I growl, barely able to contain my anger.

I know Cam knew about Jade, she never asked what I planned to do now we’re married. I hadn’t mentioned that Jade and I are no longer in contact.

“Alessandro, I… I’m pregnant.” She dips her chin as she delivers the news.

Not even able to look me in the face.

“You expect me to believe that? Why would I believe you after you betrayed me?”

“I… I didn’t want to do it, they made me,” she whispers as tears stream down her face.

Best fucking actress I know, this one.

“I saw you got married. I saw you bring her here last night.” She’s still whispering, but there is a wistfulness to her voice. “You owe me…”

“I owe you nothing, Jade, you’re a liar and a traitor. You lost my respect when you betrayed me.”

Not wanting to continue this any further, I open the door. “You need to leave. Now.” I don’t want Cam to wake up to this.

Jade’s eyes flick toward the door and back to me. I turn to see Sergio, fist ready to knock and frowning between me and Jade.

“Sergio, this isn’t a great time.” I shake my head.

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