Page 55 of United Loyalties

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When I see my white bikini bottoms and thighs tinged red, my heart sinks.

“Shit, Cam, you’re bleeding,” Bea screeches whilst Nell grabs her phone.

“SERGIO!” I scream.

Sergio, along with Carlo and Lorenzo, the girls’ guards, all come rushing from the house.

I put my hand between my thighs to see if I’m still bleeding. When I pull my hand away, my fingers are covered in blood.

“Fuck! What happened?” Sergio is crouched down in front of me. My blood-covered hand between us. His swift check of my body tells him where the blood is coming from. He quickly averts his gaze as he leans in swooping me up in his arms.

I scream and clutch at my stomach.

“Sorry, sweets,” Sergio soothes as he presses his forehead to mine. “I need to get you to the hospital.”

I sob with the pain as I nod.

I close my eyes and lean my head against his chest as he moves through the house.

“I’ll drive, Sergio,” Carlo calls from somewhere behind us.

“Thanks,” Sergio mutters as someone opens the SUV door for us, keeping me to his chest, Sergio slips in but keeps me in his hold.

“Lorenzo, you follow us with Beatrice and Antonella,” Carlo orders.

I lean back to look up at Sergio.

“I’m scared, Sergio,” I sob.

“You’re going to be okay, sweets. We’ll get you to the hospital, and they will get you sorted out.” He places a kiss to my forehead.

“I… I need Al. I think I left my phone on the lounger, though,” I hiccup.

“I’ll call him now.” Sergio shifts me, making me wince in pain, but he manages to grab his phone from his pocket quickly.

Placing his phone on loudspeaker, he rests his chin on my head as I seek his comfort.

“Sergio, is everything okay? We don’t usually update until the evening.” Just hearing Al’s voice causes me to sob more. “Is that Cam? What’s going on?” Al’s voice is now tinged with worry.

“She’s… she’s in a lot of pain, and she’s bleeding. Carlo is driving us to the hospital now. Can you meet us there?”

“Fuck, why is she bleeding?” he grunts.

“I thought it was my waters that had broken, but… it’s blood.” My voice trembles.

“Angelo,I’m leaving the club now. How close are you?”

“Should be there in ten, boss.”

“I’ll be there before you, have you let them know you’re coming?”

“Antonella did, yes.” Sergio informs him.

“Angelo,I will be waiting for you. You’re both gonna be fine,” Al soothes me.

I’m thirty-seven weeks, so not too early, but the pain and the blood can’t be good. The call disconnects, and I close my eyes as we speed towards the hospital.

What feels like ten hours rather than ten minutes later, the tires of the SUV screech to a halt outside the hospital.
