Page 1 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter One

Stephanie Collins arrived at work thirty minutes early to decorate her four-foot frosted Christmas tree as a surprise for her cranky boss, Henry Thompson.She’d placed it to the left of the main door, away from foot traffic, where it would take the least space in the cozy bookshop.A dozen red-and-silver ornaments sparkled against the twinkle lights.She’d chosen each one with care from the Christmas shop on the corner.

As she picked up the last empty ornament box to stack with the others a glint of something shiny caught her eye from the edge of the white tissue.She plucked the shy silver reindeer from its hiding place, kissed Rudolph on his red nose, then smiled as she gave him the place of honor on the top.

Stephanie neatly arranged her cardboard boxes, wincing at the sudden kink in her back.She’d helped Henry move a delivery of books into the storeroom yesterday, one heavy carton at a time.Still, she shouldn’t complain.Working in a bookstore was a dream job compared to teaching middle school kids with attitudes.Now, her days were stress-free, surrounded by books and browsing customers—intelligent human beings who loved to read.

"Whatchya doing girl?"Henry barked as he left his office in the rear of the shop.She whirled around at his scratchy baritone, bracing for an argument."I bought us a tree.We need to get into the holiday spirit, right?"

Henry snorted."Can't wait for the dang month to be over and done."He glanced at the front window."Helps bring in sales, which is the only thing good about it."

Her boss owned Books & More and had been widowed last year, which explained his aversion to pretty much everything.She was a recent hire; three months in.Her peppy attitude rarely affected his overall gloom.

His sidekick Charlie was a sweet golden lab seeking attention as he lumbered toward her, sniffing the air around the tree and boxes with great interest.Older than Henry in dog years, his coat had lost its sheen, his eyes were watery, and his tail drooped.

"Skinny little tree, ain't it?"

"That’s why I put it out of the way here."Stephanie placed her hands on her hips."Every other business in town has decorated their shops with holiday cheer.We need something to prove we know Christmas is coming."She cocked her head and gave it a critical look, as Henry might.Tall, slender, white, and frosty with twinkling lights.It was festive and made her happy."What do you really think?"

"Dang blasted thing will make a mess—those frosted trees always do."Henry ran a gnarled hand through his thinning white hair.

Stephanie figured he was around her dad's age—mid-seventies.Average height, with a skinny frame and a widower’s pouch.Instead of healthy eating he'd snack on sweets and buy pastries for lunch.Despite the thin appearance, the man was a bull—strong enough to haul boxes of books and move wooded shelves for a more favorable display.His unshaven face with its gray whiskers made him look like a frail old man, but after a few months of working here, she knew she was mistaken.

Henry was ornery and foul tempered at times, usually toward the end of the day when he rubbed his arthritic knees and couldn’t hide a painful limp.

She smiled at her boss, hoping for a small one in return."You'll never see a mess, I promise."

"Why are you so full of cheer?"Henry groused."We just got rid of Thanksgiving and now there’s this blasted 'ho-ho-ho’ jolly Christmassy thing.”He patted Charlie’s head.“The holidays all alone.Don't like it much, but can't change the past."He shook his head at her."What about you?It's a heck of a way for a pretty young lady to spend a Christmas."

"I have family six hours from here, in Maryland.But I'm not going back this year.I only left the roost the day before I showed up in Harmony and started working for you."

"That so?"Henry mused, rubbing the stubble on his chin.

"Yup.I had planned my escape for years, but then Covid came along and people all over the world were trapped into the same nightmare.Couldn't go anywhere or see anyone.I had to teach school from a farmhouse, and that virtual learning was not working out too well, not for the students or me. I also had a younger sister to care for."

"Yeah?That's rough.What was wrong with her?"

She bit her lip, sucking back the emotions that resurfaced every time she told her story."I'll explain another time."

"You okay?"he asked, peering at her closely.

"Yes, Sir.I'm happy to stay here and finish my book."

"You are dedicated, I'll give you that."Her boss knew that she wrote romance novels and had allowed her to display them with the bestsellers.He could be a sweetheart when he wanted to be—which wasn't often.

"Now that things are opening up again, I've got big plans—just need to work a little longer and build my travel fund."Steph grinned, rubbing her hands together."Then off I go to see all the wonders of the world."

"Family in Maryland, how did you end up in this small town?"

"I was being considered for a job in Maine, and thought teaching high school for a year or so would set me up nicely.It didn't work out.So here I am, and you're stuck with me."

"Only one I'm stuck with is this dang dog here."He bent to rub Charlie under the chin."Just the two of us, 'ey boy."

Stephanie nodded."I know that this first Christmas without your wife must be very hard."She reached out a hand, but he pulled away."Do you have anyone to spend time with on Christmas Eve?If you don't, we could have a fine meal somewhere, with leftovers for the next day.”

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.It’s you that should be with loved ones.”

She felt a little stab in her heart that just as quickly went away."Even though it's been such a short time I already love this town.The store, you, the customers, and my own little room above the shop.It's perfect.”There had been so much trauma in her past and she'd left home partly to put it all behind her."Right now, I’m taking time for me."
