Page 11 of A Change Of Heart

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Stephanie touched Jason’selbow, accepting that fate had brought them together for a single purpose.His arrival had stirred up a lot of emotions, a whirlwind of information and surprises.She was almost certain it was not by chance."Would you like water, or coffee?"

"Water would be great."

She pulled two bottles out of the mini refrigerator under the counter and handed one over.Jason obviously cared deeply about Nicole's future.He was, and always had been, a good person with a big heart.She didn't want to end up like Henry, consumed by mistakes in the past.Jason had said he hadn’t cheated, and he’d been a man of his word."Are you on vacation?"

He took a slug of water before explaining."No.I had to get out of LA.Big city life.Once the pandemic settled into more normalcy the ones who could got out," he told her."We were all drained physically and emotionally.We needed to take care of ourselves before we could help others.I thought about going to a war zone; the troops were desperate for us but I didn't have the strength or the courage to see more deaths day in and day out."He stopped for breath, but she could see he needed to talk this out.

"Go on.I want to hear more."Stephanie led him to a table next to the window, taking the chair where she could keep an eye out for customers.Jason sat across from her.

"I knew I had to get away, but had no real place to go.Mom and Dad had moved to Florida to be with my sister who was having her first baby. You remember Kristin, don't you?"

"Yes.But I never really got to know your family.Your sister seemed nice though."

"Yes, well she married Carson, a veterinarian, and they live in a community near Naples.A golf community where my parents now live."He gave a slight smile."You can imagine why I didn't go there."

She laughed."So how did they meet?"

"Kristin was on a Caribbean cruise with a collage friend, and they met him at the gym.Love at first sight, they both say."He gave her a long look."I remember that feeling the moment I looked at you."

She blushed."So, don't tell me you live in Harmony?That would be too much of a coincidence."

"No.I live and work in Albany, at a small hospital, which is what I like.It's a great city, lots going on, beautiful too.You'd love it.It's close enough to Nicole that I can keep my eye on her progress."

"You know something?I lost my faith when that school shooting happened and it has taken me years to reconcile with it, but I truly believe that you and I are here together for a reason.Our time isn't done; we have a mission to do first, and this is it."

"Finding a way to reconnect Henry and Nicole?"

"Absolutely.I have no doubt.But accomplishing it will be another matter. If Henry won't listen to you, and refuses to forgive his daughter, he certainly won't be amenable to my suggestions."

"True, but he likes you.And you're close to Nicole in age.Not being a blood relative, maybe you can reach him.I keep trying but he just might be digging his heels in out of spite."

"Could be.He can be mule-headed."She lifted her gaze to him."On a positive note, I was able to get Jessica to do her therapy and take her meds when she was ready to give up.So just maybe he'll listen to me too?"

"We have to hope.Aunt Mary would be batting him over the head right now if she were here."Jason ran a hand over his face.

Stephanie nodded.“Henry adored Mary.No customers right now—want to toss some ideas around?"

"Yes, for sure."He sat back in the stiff chair."Talking to a deaf person hasn't been working so we need something more drastic."Jason drummed his strong fingers against the tabletop."I've racked my brain over this for a long time, and just don't know how to pull it off."

"I've got it!"Stephanie grinned.She wanted to make him smile like she used to do when he got too serious."How about we tie Henry up, throw him in the back of a car with duct tape over his mouth, and drag him kicking and screaming to her hospital bed?"

His mouth twitched as he shook his head, but not before she caught a glimpse of the laughter in his eyes.

She leaned back just to watch him.God, he was gorgeous.Jason had loved her as she had him.She’d jumped to the wrong conclusion and had walked away.Her fault, not his."What do you think?Too risky?"

"Tempting.And it would achieve the goal."He chuckled as if envisioning the scenario."How about something less likely to give him a coronary?And me from losing my medical license?"

She wiped condensation dripping down the side of her plastic water bottle."What if the husband, Heulyn—is that how you pronounce his name?"

"Yes.He was born in Wales, and his family immigrated here when he was a kid."

"Okay.If he drops into the store with Henry’s grandson and introduces him?The sweet boy's face might open his heart a crack."

"That's not a bad idea," Jason said."I don't think Nicole would approve, but we don't need to ask her, right?I'll have a word with Heu; he's a stand-up guy."

"I'm glad.”Steph would love for this to have a happy ending, just like one of her romance stories.“What's his son's name?"

"Rhys."He spelled it out to her."It's a popular Welsh name."
