Page 36 of A Change Of Heart

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His hands gripped the wheel."You know what stinks?There are no do-overs in life."

"True."She shifted in her seat toward him."I had this amazing dream last night.Like I was on the verge of something wonderful and all I had to do was reach out and capture it.When I woke up the feeling was still there."

"What does that mean to you, Steph?"

"I'm not sure.Is it my career that's about to take off, or is Mr.Wonderful going to walk through that door and change my world?"

Jason felt a sharp pain, like a dull knife through his heart.How he wanted to be that for her, if only she'd let him.He took his eyes off the road for half a sec and when he turned back a logging truck had rounded the corner and was coming at them straight on.

"Hang on!"he shouted and swerved to the right.He slammed on the brakes, the wheels spinning on black ice.The car went into a long slide, hit a few boulders, then limbs of snow-packed trees.

Below them was a drop of forty feet or more.The car was airborne for an instant before hitting the ground with a thud.Stephanie was braced for impact while his foot was lodged on the brake.He said a silent prayer as she screamed in horror.

The wheels lifted off the rugged ground and thumped along for maybe ten feet or so before coming to a halt facing the river.Their dual airbags inflated, and he lost sight of her.

"Steph!"he tried to shout, getting a nasty taste."You all right?"he asked anxiously.Before the words left his mouth the airbags deflated as quickly as they'd emerged, freeing them to escape.

He glanced her way and saw her head tilted, blood on her forehead."Steph!"

She didn't answer.Fear gripped him.He flung opened his door and ran around to assist her.He put his fingers to her neck and felt the pulse."Steph.Everything's alright.We're safe now."

She murmured something, fighting against the seatbelt restraint.

"An ambulance will be here soon," he spoke in a soothing voice, hoping it would be true.

The truck driver, a husky man in his fifties with a scruffy gray beard, slid down the slippery slope to reach the site of the wreckage.

"Damn, but it's good to see you alive," the man said, bending over and wheezing a little."I've already called nine-one-one."He sucked in air, visibly shaking."Good thing we didn't meet on that sharp corner.There would be nothing left of us."Lifting his John Deere cap, he wiped sweat from his brow."How's the Mrs.?"

"Got a pulse, but she's not responding."Jason had his back to the door, checking out her injuries."Her head hit something, and I don't like the angle of her neck."

"Hell."The big beer-bellied man shook his head."Shouldn't we get her out or something?Car might blow, right?"

"It's not smoking, and the engine is still intact.We should be safe from fire."Jason spoke with more confidence than he actually felt, but he needed the truck driver to calm down.

"Better be," the man muttered, his thick fingers laced on the top of his head, over the cap.

Jason put his hand on Stephanie's shoulder."Steph, open your eyes."He glanced back at the shaking truck driver."I'm a doctor, we'll be fine.Just watch for the ambulance, can you do that for me?"

"Yeah, but you got to get her out, man!"The driver began to pace in the snow, wringing his hands.

What was taking them so long?The ambulance driver couldn't miss the truck on the side of the road."Maybe you should hike up there and wave them down."

"Geez, man."The driver pulled at the brim of his cap."I don't know...this is bad.Real bad."

Jason ignored him, put his knee inside the vehicle, and spoke softly to Stephanie—even sang a few lyrics off key.Her lashes fluttered; her eyes remained closed.

"Come on, babe.Open your eyes.We had an accident, but we're safe now."

Her lids flickered a few times and then popped opened, making him catch his breath.Green luminous eyes, bright and wide, and a tug of a smile curved her lips.His heart skipped a beat as relief ran through him."Can you move?"he asked, gently undoing her seatbelt.

"I think so.My head hurts a little, that’s all."She felt her scalp and a dot of blood stained her fingers."What happened?"Alarmed, she asked, "Did we smash into something?"

"We slid off the road, into the trees.The airbags saved us."Jason maneuvered her chin, noticing she didn't flinch."You seem to have a minor injury."The fact that she'd been able to move her head indicated no damage to her neck or spine.Relief flooded over him in waves."Do you feel strong enough to stand?"

She winced as she tried, then sat back."I could probably use your help."

"Put your arm around my neck," he murmured, his mouth so close to hers that he could feel her breath on his cheek."The ambulance should be here any minute."

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