Page 42 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Eleven

Jason was in a foul mood by the time he left the hospital.After sleeping in an armchair all night, he’d expected Stephanie to be a little more grateful.Yet in all fairness he was at fault too—he’d pushed her into a corner, trying so hard to relive the past.

He needed to back off.It washisproblem that the moment he’d walked into the bookstore and seen Stephanie standing there as beautiful as ever, he’d realized what he'd given up.She had made sacrifices and put her life on hold.It was the right thing for her to do, see the world, have some fun, and not cling to him or any other man.She deserved her freedom; she'd paid a heavy price for it.

Was he asking too much?He was a normal thirty-two-year-old, who wanted more than a bare apartment and a hospital he called home.Emotionally ready and financially stable, he wanted Stephanie back in his life and made no bones about it.Perhaps she'd needed more romancing, tender touches, and earth-shattering kisses.Although he hadn't done too bad on that account.

Normally it was Steph who made all the plans—but last night while she’d slept, he’d come up with a solid strategy that he’d believed she'd agree to.Since he couldn't hold her back, he'd join her.Paris was the City of Love so he figured that could be their home base.He would watch over her and she needn't be alone anymore.They’d live happily ever after, like her books.

Poof went that dream as Steph gave him the boot.

After being shot down, Jason’s pride was stripped; his chest deflated.Funny how a girl could do that.Yet, he had to admit that if he’d taken his time and plotted it better, this plan may have worked more favorably.But that was not his nature.He was a man of action, a crusader, saving lives here and there by a steady hand and a sterilized instrument.

He'd spent the night in a hard chair just to be there when she woke up in the morning, and explain his wonderful idea.Unfortunately, her plans didn't include him.

How long she'd be away he had no idea.Could be years—and he wasn't waiting indefinitely.It was too much to ask.Besides, he wasn't desperate.He knew plenty of ladies who would be all over him in a minute.They'd made it obvious that "friendship" was not what they were after.But none of them could hold a candle to Steph.Maybe no woman could.

The sun was shining when he headed outdoors, the wind cool but dry.It felt good after being in a heated hospital room with a woman that made him steam.Waiting for a cab, Jason sipped on the cappuccino that he'd purchased in the lobby then gulped the last of it down as one pulled up front.

"Good morning," the red-headed driver said in a Cockney accent."Where are you off to?"He made eye contact through his rearview mirror.

"Police station.Got to make out an accident report."

"That so?It put you in the hospital, did it?"

"Not me, but my frien..the passenger, was admitted overnight."He didn’t want to be Steph’s friend.Wasn't possible.

"Am I dropping you at your car, sir?"The driver had left the parking lot and waited for further directions.

"Totaled."Jason pinched at the crease in his brow, feeling a slight headache coming on."Probably in the junkyard now."

"Sorry to hear.That bad, huh?"

"Yeah, that bad."WhichwasStephanie's fault.If he hadn't taken his eyes off the road to give her a look, he'd be in his own car right now and she wouldn't be in the hospital, probably driving everyone nuts.No.It was his.Or fate?

"What happened, if you don't mind me asking?"

He kind of did mind but answered anyway."Black ice.Car flew off the road and ended up thirty yards down a ravine."

"You don't say!And you don't have a scratch on you.Crikey, you need to buy some lottery tickets."The driver stopped chatting and hit the road leading to town.

"Suppose I should," Jason said, fastening his seatbelt.He glanced out the window, wondering how long he'd be at the station."Would you mind if we swing by a Mickey D's before you drop me at the police station?"

"It's your coin, not mine.Wouldn't mind a bite myself.Just had a crumpet and tea around six."

"Fine.You can join me then."

"Aye, that'll be grand."The cabbie turned up the radio and began whistling to a Bing Crosby song.

They pulled into a bustling McDonald's and ordered Egg McMuffins for both of them, a coke for the driver, and coffee for him.

"You been in the states long?"Jason asked conversationally.

"Lordy, yes.Ten years has gone by.The missus, she likes it here.Very much."

"Any kids?"

"Yes, two strapping boys.My little Joey is the apple of my eye, and doesn't he know it, though."He glanced in the rearview mirror."And you, sir?Any children?"
