Page 54 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Fourteen

Stephanie had not wanted Jason to drive around the back of the bookshop for the same reason Jason had wanted to deliver her to her door.He’d go into protective mode about the homeless man and get rid of him for good. Her fault for calling Jason when she was frightened to death.The stranger had no intention to hurt her, he only wanted shelter.

Still, her body tensed, and goose bumps prickled her skin when she reached the back stairs.She gritted her teeth, and stared at the vehicle.Ignoring her instructions, Jason had driven his brand-new SUV around the corner and he and Laura were waiting.Sheesh!

She turned her back to the car and glanced up the stairs.Why did she feel apprehensive?Probably due to Jason's protectiveness.Likely he was long gone, and all this drama was for nothing.Tossing her handbag over her shoulder she climbed the metal stairs and looked down.

At the final step, she pushed open the heavy door.She turned and waved to Jason and Laura, letting them know they could leave.Jason had his door cracked open, alert and watching for any signs of trouble.

His concern melted her heart.She wanted him as much as he did her, but she'd pushed him into another woman's arms.Why had fate thrown them together at this inconvenient time?They couldn't catch a break.

When the door closed behind her, she realized that the light must have gone out.There was only a small space from the outside stairway to her door.

As she moved forward, she had a feeling that she was not alone.The man had returned after all, which was disconcerting with no overhead light.

She used her iPhone flashlight to assess the situation and saw shadows in the dark.Was she putting herself in danger or had her first instincts been correct?

He used his elbow to block the glare, but not before she saw the fear in his eyes.He began to mutter things she didn't understand.He scooted his knees to his chest and hugged them."This is my place.You gotta find one of your own."

She slightly relaxed her guard.Obviously, he was one of the homeless people who slept in the woods.Must be too cold for him right now."I live in this apartment, right here.If you promise you won't harm me, I'll go in and get a blanket and pillow for you."

"No need for that," he mumbled.

"I want to."

"Well, fine then."

"Back in a minute."Her fingers were shaking as she tried twice to unlock the door.When she was safely inside, she wasn't sure if she should do as promised, or call the police and have him escorted away.A safer choice.How had this poor man succumbed to this?He must have family somewhere, might be an old vet, or mentally ill.She grabbed an extra blanket and pillow and tossed it out the door."Don't let me catch you back here, or I'll call the police."

"Thank you, ma'am.You're safe from me.Just need a warm place to sleep is all."

"Sleep well, then be gone."Stephanie went back inside, feeling guilty for having a warm room, a bed, a small bathroom, all rent free.She couldn't imagine how frightening it must be to have to find shelter and food night after night.

She made him a sandwich to relieve some of her guilt, opened the door a crack, and placed a ham and cheese whole wheat sandwich and an apple, both in a plastic bag, on the cement floor.

"Here.Don't want you to go hungry."

"Mighty kind of you."

Nodding, she closed the door again, making sure to use the dead bolt.She didn't want to regret her act of kindness.Perhaps her desire to help him was due to all the years her mom, Jessica, and herself would bring food to the homeless shelter.The people there were polite, grateful for the little that was offered, and had never felt threatening in any way.Walking the streets in a city had more danger than a broken soul seeking warmth.

Stephanie went to bed wondering if this could be her secret.Taking care of this harmless man for a few months would be a partial payback for so many blessings.Jessica could walk again, her brothers were doing well, parents too—and she had fulfilled her dreams of being a published author.Life had been good, and this poor man needed someone's help.It was hers to give.

As she was drifting off her thoughts turned to Jason and how well Laura was taking care of him.Stephanie hadn’t meant to throw him into the radiologist’s welcoming arms no matter what she'd said.She knew he was hurting, as she was.Perhaps the simplest, kindest thing to do was leave now and save them both more sorrow.But she wasn't ready to leave.It wasn't because of the money shortage or leaving Henry high and dry, or that Jason might be in Laura's bed right now.She needed to stay until her heart chose the right path.

When she woke up Wednesday morning, she remembered the man from last night.Had he stayed or fled at daybreak?She peeked outside and didn't see him.Her life was in enough turmoil that she didn't need to add to it, and yet helping others also helped her to be a kinder, gentler, and respectful person—to everyone except Jason.

Why was he always tugging at her heart, and adding sparks during every conversation?She took her shower, dressed, then made her tea and put an English muffin into the toaster.As she ate her breakfast at the small table, she couldn't help but worry about the homeless man.What had happened in his life?Where was he now?Huddled on a park bench, arms wrapped around himself to keep out the cold?Would anyone feed him today?

Well, she needed to go about her business and make sureshedidn't end up on the street.Henry might like her but look at the way he treated his own daughter.One wrong move and she might be cut loose.

Which reminded her about Nicole's request.She still hadn't checked her floorboards under the bed.Bending down on one knee, she noticed a plank that appeared off-kilter.She couldn't tell if it was the color that was off, or not sitting flat, but since she was dressed for work, she wouldn't bother with it now.Once the shop was closed, she'd find the folder right away.

Stephanie ran down the interior stairs that gave access to the bookstore and turned on the lights.She used her phone to play Christmas music as she made the coffee and swept the floors.Her mind flitted back and forth on whether to tell Henry, or keep it to herself?If the stranger returned, she'd definitely confide in her boss, but since he owned the building, he should be informed.Especially if there might be a tiny chance the stranger could be dangerous.Just like the shooter at their high school.Had there been a sign that could have prevented those deaths?

"Hey, what's up?"Henry asked from a few steps behind."You've been sweeping that spot bare."

"Oops!"She shut off her cell and put it back in her pocket."Daydreaming.But the coffee's made, and the shop is ready to open."
