Page 77 of A Change Of Heart

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"Cute kid you've got there.Name’s Henry."

"My wife and I heard about this town and always meant to visit.The neighborly good cheer and festivities over the Christmas season is well known.The store fronts all decked out, well, it's really impressive."

"If you say so."

"Good business you've got here too."

"Why?Are you buying?"

Heulyn gave a hearty laugh."No, sir.Wouldn't have the money for a down payment."His gaze met Stephanie's, and she realized the delay was to let Henry meet his grandchild.

“Just joking,” Henry said.“Care for a cup of coffee?”

"No, thanks.I won’t bother you anymore.It was nice of you to offer Rhys a sandwich.”

"Can I have it, Dad?"

"If you don't mind?"he asked Henry.

"Not at all.Might as well have a cup of coffee now.Help yourself to a power bar too."

Heulyn poured his own adding two teaspoons of sugar, then turned another chair around so he'd be seated at their table.

Stephanie drew them all into conversation, including their plans for the holiday."How about you two?Any big plans?"

"No, we're not doing much this year, my wife isn't up to it."

"That's a shame," Henry said then turned his focus on the hearty roast beef sandwich he shared with Charlie.Watching him right now twisted her insides.If he would only ask to help his daughter, it would mean the world to Nicole and her family.

"Nice meeting you both," Henry said."I'll be in the office if you need me."

After he left she wiped down the table, and Heulyn took Rhys to check out a dinosaur puzzle.They heard Henry’s door slam shut.

“Everything prepped?”she asked, almost choking on the words.


She listened for a shout, or yell.Nothing.

“It’s kind of quiet in there, don't you think?"

Stephanie looked toward the office, also concerned."It's only been a minute or two.Maybe he's actually looking at them.Wouldn't that be great!"

They waited a minute more."This doesn't seem right.Figured he'd come out roaring, demanding to know how the drawings got there.Not dead silence.”Her eyes pooled with tears.“What if...”

Heulyn put a hand on her shoulder."Don't panic.Why don’t you go check things out?"

She nodded and walked with trepidation toward the office door.Still didn't hear anything.She knocked gently at first, then louder.

"Henry?I’d like a word with you.Please open the door?"

Nothing.Charlie whined and scratched at the door."Heu.Come quickly.Something's wrong!"
