Page 13 of Love and Protect

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Even back then, he’d thought it a stupid thing to do. “No, the administration cracked down on it the following year and suspended anyone caught doing it.”

His teammates had been pissed about it. But while he’d complained along with them, he’d been happy to see the dumb tradition end.

* * *

Pulling the sheet up,Maddie tucked it around herself. Although she had no qualms about being naked, she was suddenly chilly and too comfortable to get up and put on clothes. “Are you staying here tonight?”

Often when Keith came over, he ended up spending the night. But while she knew what her schedule looked like in the morning, she didn’t know about his. Depending on what he needed to do, he might not have the time to stop at home and get ready before heading to work, and other than some toiletries, he didn’t have anything here, which was something else she wanted to talk to him about. She’d never been big into clothes, so she had plenty of closet and drawer space for him to leave some extra clothes here. She’d held off bringing it up because, like with the house key, she worried it might send Keith running for the closest exit.

“Do you want me to?”

Talk about a stupid question.

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”

Rolling onto his side, Keith draped an arm across her stomach. “Looks like you have a roommate for the night. Next time I get up, I’ll go out and grab my bag from my truck.”

“Why didn’t you bring it in when you got back?”

“I wasn’t sure you’d want me to stay, and you know what they say about assuming things,” he answered as his fingertips brushed up and down her arm.

Some openings were too good to resist, and that was definitely one. “You make an ass of yourself all the time; why should tonight be any different?”

Keith’s fingers stopped as he propped himself up on an elbow and frowned at her. “Sounds like something Jen would say. I’m not surprised you two got along so well tonight.”

“Or you’d say. Admit it. You wouldn’t have passed up the opportunity if I’d said the same thing.”

“I plead the fifth.”

“Whatever. Seriously though, I love when you spend the night.” It was the first time she’d ever put the L-word and him in the same sentence. “I think you should leave some clothes here so you can do it whenever you want.”

“Sometime this week, I’ll bring stuff over. Next time you come to my place, you should do the same thing.”

What the hell? Just do it.

“Since you’re here so much, you might as well have a key. I left one on the counter in the kitchen. Don’t let me forget to give it to you in the morning.”

Keith didn’t bolt out of bed. “Will do. We spend more time here, but I’ll find the spare key to my apartment for you.”

“It’s probably in that junk drawer of yours.” She’d stumbled upon it while looking for utensils one night. It contained everything from batteries and disposable chopsticks from the local Chinese restaurant to computer cables.

“Hey, don’t knock on my junk drawer. You’re the only person I know who doesn’t have at least one. Hell, Jen has three.”

He had a point. Most people did have at least one, her parents included.

“Somehow, I don’t see Brett having one.” She’d only spent a few hours with the guy, but she got the impression he didn’t like clutter.

“Yeah, if another person in the world exists besides you that doesn’t have one, it’d be him.” Keith shook his head ever so slightly as his fingers moved up and down her arm again. “I’m still getting used to him and my sister being together.”

Maybe it was the romantic in her, but after seeing the couple together and talking to Jen, she didn’t see them splitting up. “You’re going to have plenty of time to get comfortable with it. I see wedding bells in their future.”

“Brett’s a great guy, and I’d trust him with my life, but I wouldn’t want to marry into that family. The fucking media never leaves them alone. They can’t even get a damn haircut without the internet talking about it.”

Although an exaggeration, it wasn’t too far from the truth. “Jen told me about a few run-ins she’s had with the media. And before you ask, no, there’s nothing you need to worry about.”

“Considering how much time you two spent alone, I’m sure it’s not the only thing she shared.”

“Don’t worry. Your sister didn’t tell me all the stupid things you did as a kid.”
