Page 16 of Love and Protect

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She’d lived with her cousin long enough to know the routine. Nicole preferred the townhouse to herself when Shawn came over, and if she knew in advance, Lisa found things to do away from home. Nicole reciprocated when Lisa brought a guy home, which was why she’d never met Keith. The one time she had seen Keith, she’d been pulling into the garage as Keith walked out the front door.

“Probably, but I’m not sure when. He’s working on a project.”

Interesting way to phrase it.

Shawn had never shared the exact details. However, he’d told her enough, so Lisa knew his work involved providing the information he got by hacking companies and organizations to whoever had hired him. Based on his lifestyle, those people paid well.

“If you give me a heads-up, I’ll find somewhere to go,” Lisa said.

“I’ll try. You know how last-minute Shawn can be.” Nicole raised her wineglass. Before the glass reached her mouth, she put it back down. “You probably don’t want to hear this, but I truly think it’s time to forget about Keith.”

Yep, she didn’t want to hear it tonight. They’d already had this conversation, and nothing Nicole said now would change her mind.

“It’s been months since you saw him.”

Well, it had been months since they’d been together, but she got her cousin’s point.

“You need to start looking for someone else instead of wasting your time waiting for something that might never happen.”

Oh, it’ll happen.

Lisa adored her cousin, but the woman just didn’t understand. A connection like the one between her and Keith was rare. But Nicole was right about wasting time, though, because every damn day that went by and they weren’t together was a waste. Hopefully, when Keith opened her little present, Maddie would be there. It might not end their relationship immediately, but it would raise some red flags in Maddie’s head while at the same time reminding Keith of what he was missing out on every night. And if it didn’t, there was something seriously wrong with the woman. If Keith had received a similar video when they were together, she would’ve taught him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget.

“Trust me. We’ll get back together.”

Nicole gave her an if-you-say-so look but didn’t argue. “Do you think he’s still with the woman you saw him with at Murphy’s?”

Biting into a cracker, Lisa scowled. “Yeah. I saw them there again last night.” But, of course, she couldn’t tell Nicole where she’d really seen them without telling her she knew where Maddie lived.

“Too bad it’s illegal to make sure someone has a little ‘accident,’” Nicole said, using air quotes.

Illegal or not, she’d done it before, and she wasn’t opposed to doing it again soon. But, again, some things she couldn’t share with Nicole. “Tell me about it. But with some luck, Keith’s girlfriend will see this video when I send it to him.”

“I’d be pissed off if I found something like that on my guy’s phone. But he might delete it before she finds it.”

“He’ll keep it so he can watch it whenever he wants.”

“You’re probably right. When it comes to porn, guys are pigs.”

She still hadn’t determined how to make it happen, but a picture of Keith with another woman would go a long way to driving him and Maddie apart.

“I don’t know how to get it, but I want a picture of Keith with another woman that I can send to his girlfriend. If I can figure out a way to set him up, will you help me?”

“Happy to help.” Nicole narrowed her eyes as she rested her arms on the table. “But how do you plan to get the picture to the girlfriend?”

Idiot.She’d spoken without thinking.

“Maddie goes to my gym.” Lisa shrugged as she decided how much to share. “We’ve gotten kind of friendly, and I have her phone number.”

“Huh, well, if you figure out a way to get him and me at the same place, you can take all the pictures you need.”
