Page 15 of Sunday's Child

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A ripple of laughter ran round the room but was quickly stifled. Miss Maughfling stepped down from the dais and marched towards Eleanora. She snatched the towel and soap from Eleanora’s head.

‘You have only been in my academy for a week, Miss Smythe, but you have broken the rules for the last time. You will report to my study immediately.’ Miss Maughfling allowed her gaze to fall upon Nancy and Tamara. ‘And you will accompany her.’

‘But we have done nothing wrong,’ Nancy protested.

‘We will see about that, Miss Sunday. My study, now!’

‘Might they not have breakfast first, ma’am?’ Miss Franklin asked nervously.

‘You know better than to question Miss Maughfling, Lily,’ Miss Sharp said tersely.

Lily Franklin bowed her head and one of the girls at the washbasins sniggered. Miss Maughfling turned on her angrily.

‘No breakfast for you, Lady Annabelle. The rest of you, get dressed and go to the dining room.’

Nancy fastened her robe around her and stepped forward. ‘Miss Maughfling, with the greatest respect, Tamara and I had nothing to do with Miss Smythe’s escapade. I suggest you look to your staff for allowing a young lady to leave the building on her own. In the meantime, I would appreciate being allowed to have breakfast, as it’s many hours since I last ate and I believe my family are paying quite handsomely for my board and keep.’

A whisper of astonishment rippled through the steamy air as everyone waited for the principal to respond.

Chapter Four

Miss Maughfling’s study was strictly organised and almost painfully tidy. The books on the shelves were lined up in size, like disciplined rows of soldiers. There was not a paper out of place nor a speck of dust anywhere to be seen. The only patch of colour in the room was the green leather top of the desk, which was polished to such a high sheen that Nancy was certain she could see her face in it if she leaned over. However, she found herself standing to attention next to Tamara, who was visibly trembling. Eleanora stood apart, gazing out of the window with an unconcerned smile curving her full lips, while Miss Maughfling paced the floor, taking tiny steps so that the crinoline beneath her full skirts did not get caught on any of the furniture.

‘I am horrified,’ Miss Maughfling said at last. ‘I have never had one of my young ladies behave in a similar manner to you, Miss Smythe.’

Eleanora yawned. ‘Might I go to my room now, Miss Maughfling? I’m a little fatigued.’

‘You will speak when I give you permission to speak, Miss Smythe. I’ve a good mind to expel you from the Academy right away.’

‘You won’t have any argument from me,’ Eleanora said calmly. ‘But my papa, Lord Smythe, will be most displeased. I believe you have requested that he serve on the board of governors.’

Miss Maughfling’s thin cheeks paled to ashen and her grey eyes widened. ‘Are you trying to blackmail me, Miss Smythe?’

Eleanora giggled. ‘Now would I do such a thing? Actually, I’m awfully hungry and I’m sure my friends are a little peckish, too.’

‘You know that the punishment for disobeying the rules is to miss meals,’ Miss Maughfling said faintly.

‘Yes, I’m aware of that and so are my friends, but it’s the only weapon you have against us, ma’am. You know that if we complain too much to our papas it will reflect badly on you.’ Eleanora faced Miss Maughfling with a belligerent look that did not bode well.

Nancy stepped forward. ‘Might I suggest that a warning is enough in this instance, Miss Maughfling? I am sure that Miss Smythe has learned her lesson, having been scolded in front of the other young ladies. Perhaps she will feel more amenable when she’s had something to eat?’

Miss Maughfling blinked and swallowed hard. ‘Precisely. You may go. All of you. But, Miss Smythe, if this behaviour is repeated I will have to report you to your papa, no matter what the consequences. I am, after all, in loco parentis.’

Eleanora opened her mouth to respond but Nancy could see the situation spiralling out of control and she seized her by the arm. ‘Come along, Eleanora. We’re very hungry and I’m sure you are, too. Thank you, Miss Maughfling. We appreciated your leniency.’ She dragged Eleanora from the study.

‘Thank you, Miss Maughfling.’ Tamara bobbed a curtsey and hurried after them.

Nancy did not release her grip on Eleanora’s arm until they reached the dining hall.

‘You should have let me have my say,’ Eleanora said crossly.

‘I think you said enough.’ Nancy opened the door and peered into the large room where the rest of the young ladies sat at a refectory table, finishing their meal, which seemed to consist of porridge and bread smeared with butter. It was a far cry from the sideboard laden with silver serving dishes at Rockwood Castle, where crisp rashers of bacon, devilled kidneys, buttered eggs and the occasional dish of kedgeree were served each day. There was tea but no coffee, and none of the girls seemed inclined to raise any objections. Miss Sharp and Miss Franklin were presiding over the meal and they eyed the newcomers suspiciously, but Eleanora marched to her place and sat down.

‘We have permission,’ she said boldly. ‘Ask the principal if you don’t believe me.’

Miss Sharp said something under her breath to Miss Franklin, who looked round nervously but said nothing.

The pupils ate in strict silence and Nancy took a seat next to Tamara. She was too hungry to care that the porridge was salty and cooling rapidly. She finished the bowlful, going on to eat two slices of bread and butter, washed down with weak tea.
