Page 85 of Sunday's Child

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‘He’s a gun runner? That sounds terrible.’

‘There’s money to be made in other people’s misery. It seems that Piers has decided to help the Confederate Army.’

‘I don’t know anything about the war between the North and South, but Piers is wrong to interfere. He’s needed desperately at home. Do you know where I might find him?’

‘Surely you aren’t thinking of going on your own? If Captain Blanchard and Mr Wilder can’t persuade him to return to Cornwall, what chance do you think you might have?’

‘I only know that someone must try. If Piers is sailing on those ships, he’s putting his life at risk. His grandmother needs him to come home.’

‘How do you propose to get to him, Nancy? This is a dangerous place for a young woman. You should not go out unattended.’

‘Just tell me where I might find Piers. I’ll do the rest. I’m not afraid. This won’t be the first time I’ve been in dangerous territory – you don’t know Clare Market.’

‘Leave it to me, Nancy. I’ll find out where Piers is staying and I’ll let you know, but we won’t be in port for long. Once we’ve discharged our cargo and taken on a load of sugar cane and molasses we’ll be sailing back to England.’

‘I understand. Just find out where Piers lodges and I’ll do the rest.’ Nancy glanced over her shoulder at Hester’s inert body. ‘Please don’t tell Hester. She’s very protective but I don’t want her stepping into danger and I’m sure you don’t either.’

‘If I find out where Piers is, I’ll take you to him. You mustn’t even think of going anywhere on your own.’

Nancy smiled sweetly. ‘As if I would do anything so rash.’

Chapter Eighteen

Nancy opened the door just wide enough to see who was knocking so impatiently. ‘Tobias, you’re back. Have you found him?’

‘Aye, I have. He’s staying at a dockside inn where he has a room. They even keep it for him while he’s away. The good news is that he’s there now, drinking in the bar to celebrate a successful run.’

‘Tell me how to find it. I’ll go as soon as I’ve made myself tidy.’

‘As I said before, you’re not going alone. It’s not safe. I’ll wait and I’ll take you there myself.’

Nancy did not argue. She closed the door and finished dressing. Minutes later she and Harding were walking along the waterfront. She was excited but nervous, and she was glad that Tobias Harding had refused to allow her to seek out Piers on her own. It was not the sort of area where any lone female would be safe. She realised that she was attracting a great deal of unwanted attention, but she held her head high and walked on purposefully.

The doors of the bar were flung open but, even so, the heat inside was stifling. The smell of tobacco smoke, sweating bodies and rum pervaded the atmosphere. The chorus of male voices shouting to make themselves heard was drowned out by bursts of raucous laughter. Nancy kept close to Harding’s side as they made their way to the bar. A swarthy man reached out to catch her arm, but Harding was too quick for him and his fist shot out, hitting the fellow on the nose so that he backed away, swearing loudly.

‘There he is,’ Nancy whispered, pointing to Piers, who was standing with a group of men at the end of the bar. She ignored the salacious remarks of the drinkers and the groping hands that reached out to touch her as she pushed her way to where Piers was standing. He had his back to her and she tapped him on the shoulder.

‘Piers Blanchard.’

He turned to stare at her in surprise. ‘Who’s asking?’

‘It’s me, Nancy Sunday. Don’t you recognise me?’

He frowned. ‘You’ve grown a bit since I last saw you.’ He grabbed her by the arm and propelled her out of the building with Harding following them. Piers turned on him. ‘Who are you?’

Nancy wriggled free from Piers’s grasp. ‘There was no need to do that. I’ve come a long way to find you, and I wouldn’t have known where to start if Tobias hadn’t helped me.’

‘Much obliged to you, I’m sure, mister. You can go now. I’ll see Miss Sunday back to where she’s staying.’

‘You don’t understand,’ Nancy said crossly. ‘This is Tobias Harding. He’s the first mate on the Bonaventure, the ship that brought me and Hester here. He’s Hester’s son.’

Piers gave Tobias a searching look. ‘Well, I’ll be damned. So Hester has a past – who would have thought it?’

‘Don’t you want to know why we’ve travelled all this way to find you?’

Piers shrugged. ‘I’ve heard it all from Alex and Leo. They haven’t made me change my mind. I’m not interested in home now. I’m doing what’s right for me.’

Harding made a move towards Piers, but Nancy laid her hand on his arm. ‘You are very selfish, Piers Blanchard. Your grandmama, who raised you from a child, is in danger of losing everything, including Trevenor. Aurelia is a penniless widow and you’d hardly recognise her now. If you have any feeling for them you must come home, even if it’s only for a short time.’
