Page 90 of Sunday's Child

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Rupert smiled and nodded. ‘Of course. You are a lucky man to have such a wonderful family.’

‘I’d like to introduce you all to my old friend Rupert Charnley. We were at the same boarding school, although he is three years my junior.’

‘I was being bullied mercilessly,’ Rupert added with a rueful grin. ‘Alex stepped in and reminded the bullies what it was like for someone bigger and stronger to frighten the wits out of them.’

‘We’ve been friends ever since, even though we are separated by miles of ocean.’ Alex slapped Rupert on the back. ‘Leo and I have been guests at his family’s plantation near Bridgetown. I should add we were treated royally.’

Hester pulled a face. ‘Yes, you didn’t have to stay in that awful hotel where the mattresses were heaving with bedbugs, as we did. You were living like kings while Nancy and I spent the most uncomfortable night of our lives.’

‘Well, you are all home safe and sound. That’s all that matters to me.’ Rosalind moved from her husband’s embrace to hold out her hand to Rupert with a welcoming smile. ‘I’m Rosalind and the three little limpets attached to Alex are Dolly, Rory and Phoebe.’

Rupert bowed and smiled at the children. ‘I am delighted to meet you all.’

‘I expect you’ve guessed that I am Leo’s wife,’ Patricia said happily.

Wolfe cleared his throat and pushed the Bath chair closer to Rupert.

‘Bertie Carey.’ Bertie held out his hand. ‘A war wound prevents me from rising to my feet, but it’s good to meet you, Rupert. Wolfe is my right-hand man. He can help you if you need to find your way around the castle or the village.’

They shook hands, and then Walter stepped forward to introduce himself, Louise and their four-year-old daughter, Charlotte.

The only person not included was Fletcher, who stood aloof and glowering. Nancy was quick to see the look of chagrin on Fletcher’s gaunt features. ‘And this is Cora Fletcher,’ Nancy said hastily. ‘She is an invaluable part of our family here at Rockwood.’

Fletcher bobbed an ungainly curtsey and retreated into the shadows.

Alex glanced round the room. ‘I think you’ve met us all, Rupert. It just remains for someone to ring for Tilly, who will show you to your room.’

‘I’m delighted to meet you all,’ Rupert said, gazing round at the smiling faces.

‘I thought my great-aunt and Aurelia were here,’ Alex said, frowning. ‘Have they returned to Cornwall?’

‘They are here.’ Rosalind picked up Phoebe. ‘Lady Pentelow went to lie down with a sick headache, and Aurelia went with her. She’s very good to her grandmother.’

As if on cue the door opened and Aurelia walked into the room. She came to a sudden halt, gazing at the newcomers with a delighted smile. ‘Alex, Leo, you’ve come home. Thank goodness.’

Alex moved to her side and gave her a hug. ‘We came at once when Hester and Nancy explained what had happened. I am sorry for your loss.’

‘Thank you, but we hadn’t been living as husband and wife for a long time.’ Aurelia’s gaze strayed to Rupert and her pale cheeks flushed prettily. ‘I suppose you didn’t manage to persuade Piers to return home, but I see that you’ve brought a guest.’

‘Yes, I’m sorry, Aurelia,’ Alex said gently. ‘Your brother refused point-blank to return to Cornwall. However, may I introduce my old friend Rupert Charnley? We’ve been staying at his family’s plantation.’

Aurelia extended her hand. ‘How do you do, Mr Charnley?’

He raised her hand to his lips. ‘How do you do, ma’am? It’s a pleasure to meet you.’

‘What time is dinner, Rosie?’ Hester demanded, sighing. ‘We seem to have been travelling for weeks and I’m starving.’

Rosalind put Phoebe down on the sofa. ‘What am I thinking of? Of course you’ll want refreshments after such a long journey. Dinner is at seven, but I know that Cook has been baking ever since we had the telegram announcing your imminent arrival.’ She gave the bell pull a sharp jerk. ‘There is so much I want to hear about your travels.’

Aurelia gave Rupert a sideways glance. ‘Do you plan on staying long, Mr Charnley?’

‘I came to England on business, which I completed more speedily than I anticipated. Then Alex invited me to visit Rockwood and I couldn’t refuse such a generous offer.’

She smiled. ‘I hope you will stay long enough to get to know us all. Although now Alex is home I think Grandmama will want to return to Cornwall.’

‘Alex has told me about Trevenor. It sounds beautiful.’

Nancy had been listening to their conversation and she sensed an instant attraction between the two of them. ‘I’m sure you would love it, Rupert,’ she said eagerly. ‘You are a businessman – you might be able to suggest something that would revive fortunes of the clay mine.’
