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I don’t know what I was expecting to find; what would cause my sweet mate such apprehension about his appearance, but it certainly wasn’t the V-shaped scar I saw running the length of his cheek. It was rugged, manly, and sexy as hell. I should know. Why anyone would run from such beauty was beyond me.

Marcus sighed in what sounded like defeat when I released his hand, and winced when I raised my fingers towards his face. But when I touched the bumpy pink mark, his eyes rolled back until they closed. He whimpered when I traced the pad of my thumb along the marred skin.

I gathered from what he said that no one had ever appreciated his stunning good looks, and certainly never showed him tenderness towards them. I wanted to change all that; to show him just how precious and special he was.

I lowered my mouth to his ear and whispered, “Marcus, you are the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. My body craves you and my heart is yours.”

His eyes popped open just long enough for him to grab the collar of my shirt and haul me forward. Once our lips touched, his eyes shut again and he hummed against my mouth.

After a moment of surprise, I kissed him back with everything I had. I sank my fingers into his hair and pried his lips open with my own. Our tongues tangled together while Marcus pulled me as close to him as physically possible.

I was just getting warmed up when my mate pulled away and looked at me with a dark, needy gaze. His voice was husky when he pleaded, "Come with me."
