Page 8 of Werewolf Daddy

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Autry found himself waking up a few times during the night, certain that someone was close by feeling the heat of another, but as soon as he was fully awake, it was obvious he was alone. He wrote it off to the overwhelming sexual encounter with one Cross Mercer at Club Zephyr. He was a guy who was hard to forget, not that he wanted to forget because that encounter had been the hottest of his life so far.

The sun was coming through his window, so he got up and walked over to open his window and enjoy the fresh morning air. The minute he slid the window open, he was hit with such a lovely scent that he closed his eyes and just kept breathing it in. He wasn’t sure what it was from, but it was fragrant and felt invigorating.

He showered and dressed and was in the kitchen preparing a cup of coffee, and through it all, he could not dismiss Cross from his mind. Autry was beginning to think he was obsessed. Did mind-blowing sex have this sort of effect on everyone? He jacked off in the shower to images of Cross’ huge cock penetrating and owning him, and even now, the thought immediately made him hard. Shaking his head, he took his bowl of cereal and his coffee and took a seat at his kitchen table that was positioned next to the window that looked out over his backyard.

He was brought out of his erotic thoughts when his cell began to ring. He answered when he saw that it was Warren. He was looking forward to hearing what Warren had to say about his evening. The last time Autry saw him, he was getting mauled by two eager and handsome men.

“I spent a couple of hours in one of those back rooms with Hollister and Cade. They’re brothers, and oh man, I had the best night of my life. I’ve never been the singular focus of two sexy men before. It was outrageous. You should try it sometime. They did things to me that will make me blush for months.” Warren made a shivering sound and then chuckled. “It was so worth waiting in line for an hour. They bought me a couple of drinks and walked me to my car afterward.”

“Are you going to see them again?” It sounded to Autry as if they were interested beyond just the Club. Warren laughed and put that idea to rest immediately.

“No, that was definitely a one-night stand. They were great guys and all but not relationship material, just good fun material. How about you? I saw Cross Mercer letting you in and sticking close. What was that all about?” Warren pressed for spicy details.

“I had a back room experience as well.” He admitted, and Warren got all excited.

“Tell me more.” He pressed.

“It was a very good time but ended when the police showed up.” He said regretfully.

“I saw the police. They were walking through the club looking for some guy who supposedly roughed up someone in line. Cross Mercer didn’t let them into any of the private rooms, and boy did he look pissed.” Autry was glad that the police line had been real, not something made up in order to end their time together.

“He told me to wait, and he’d be back, but it was too awkward sitting there in that space. I left a few minutes after he did.” Autry admitted, and now he wondered if Cross had returned for him, but he will never know.

“So, is he the daddy you’ve been looking for?” He teased Warren knew Autry’s preference and the fact that he enjoyed a little dominance and control in a relationship.

“In my dreams.” He scoffed. “Cross Mercer is way out of my league.”

“He looked pretty interested in you last night.”

“He was, but that was last night. Like your erotic threesome, he was a one-night stand and not the stuff of relationships.” Autry wished it was more, and the need to have more burned through him, but dreams and reality rarely lined up.

“It was fun while it lasted.” Warren conceded.

“I can say that Club Zephyr and Cross Mercer met and exceeded all my expectations.” Autry was beginning to feel maudlin, and he didn’t want to ruin his day off by being all emotional. “You have any plans for today?” He asked, changing the subject.

“I’m meeting my parents for lunch at the country club.” He sounded disappointed.

“I think I’ll go to town and do some shopping. I need a few things and catch the music in the park performance at three.” Autry had hoped to drag Warren along so as to keep his mind off the drop-dead gorgeous club owner, but he was going to be on his own today.

“Sorry, I’d like to go with you, but they’re paying my way through school, so when they say jump, I ask how high.” He really was under their thumb, but he seemed happy for the most part.

“No problem, I’ll probably spend most of the day just lying around home and doing laundry anyway.” They said their goodbyes, and Autry went back to eating his cereal. A part of him, a large part, desperately wanted to return to Club Zephyr when it opened a five-thirty.

Would he look desperate and pathetic? Yes, he would look super desperate and painfully pathetic, he told himself. He didn’t want it to end with just the one encounter but had no idea how to ask for more. He went to the living room, switched on the television, and flopped down on the sofa. Life could be so fucking unfair.

Cross made it back to the Club before sunrise. He shifted and let himself in through the back door. He was the only one who lived on-site, so he wouldn’t have to explain himself to anyone right away. Shifters were nosey bastards, so the barrage of questions would be coming his way as soon as his crew started to roll in.

He headed up to his quarters on the third floor to take a shower. Thoughts of his lovely mate filling his mind and bringing him joy. Autry was a fine young man and would be the perfect boy of his daddy tendencies. He showed his fondness for being controlled, at least in the bedroom, and Cross planned to push that fondness to the next level.

Cross was showered, dressed, and in his office located on the first floor down the hallway and beyond the private rooms when Parc stuck his head in and smiled. “Have a good night?” He asked.

“Come on in, take a seat,” Cross told him and closed the file he was working on since he couldn’t keep his mind on business anyway. Cross poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him. “I followed his scent easily and spent the night curled up outside his bedroom window.”

“You got it bad.” He chuckled. “This little human is going to twist you every which way but loose.” He continued to laugh, but it was a joyous sound and not mocking. Parc knew the significance of one of them finding their mate here in Cincinnati. The chances of others finding theirs just increased significantly. It was how Fate worked.
