Page 66 of Losing an Edge

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“Should’ve gone with the blindfold. Here.” I patted the seat next to me. “Let me see.”

The expression on his face was a combination of amusement and annoyance. I figured that meant good things to come. He sat next to me, putting an arm around me the way he almost always did, and passed the box into my hands.

“Go on, nosy,” he said.

The lid was labeled Cadence’s Daily Treat. I lifted the top off the box and set it aside. Sure enough, it was filled with note cards. The first one said Present this card to redeem one romantic afternoon walk at the International Rose Test Gardens followed by dinner of your choice. I flipped through the box, scanning the different cards. They were good for all sorts of things: a kiss to be delivered even when one or both parties were angry, a dinner prepared by him, an authentic and heartfelt apology (whether he felt like he’d been wrong or not), a bubble bath, a thorough cleaning of the kitchen, a candlelit massage, a day spent babysitting my niece and nephew so I could hang out with my brother and sister-in-law without the kids getting in the way, a weekend getaway to the beach (schedules permitting), a foot rub, and even a few labeled Lady’s Choice. Some were clearly meant for when he was on the road or when I had to travel for competitions, since they offered things like an uninterrupted hour of Skype time, flower delivery, or travel arrangements to wherever the team was playing.

I set them all back in the box and returned the lid to its position. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s not difficult. Every day, you pick a card, and I give you whatever’s on the card. I’ll restock it whenever it starts running low, so there are always plenty of options.”

“But…” No one had ever done anything like that for me before, let alone doing something for me every single day. With Guy, it had always been about what I needed to do for him.

“But nothing,” Levi said. “Every day, no matter what, you get to pick a card. And you get whatever is on the card, no questions asked, no arguments, no hesitation.”

“No matter what?” I asked. Because the wheels had started spinning in my mind.

“No matter what.”

“And I get to start today.”

“I hope you will.”

“All right.” I opened the box again and fished through it until I found one of the Lady’s Choice cards.

“Going for one of those to start with, hmm?”

“Yes.” I pressed it into his hand. “Because I have something very specific I want.”

“I’m all ears.”

I looked up, meeting his eyes full on. “I want you to take me to bed.”

I WASN’T SUREwhat I’d been expecting her to ask for, but sex was definitely not it.

And that was what she meant, wasn’t it? Maybe I was reading too much into it, putting my own desires into her words when she hadn’t intended anything of the sort. I needed to be sure before I did something stupid.

“You want me to take you to bed?” I repeated.

“Yes. Your bed.”

That was all it took to have me salivating. “You’re sure?”

We’d been making out a lot over the last week, so much that I tended to lie in bed awake at night afterward, jerking off to the memory of her taste, her scent, the firmness of her body beneath my hands mixing with the softness of her curves. Every time I was around her, I had to fight off my inner teenager. I wasn’t sure I was ready to be with her in a way that would be good for her, not only good for me. Sheer terror swamped me that I might blow my load the second I came into contact with her naked flesh.

“Positive.” She didn’t look the least bit deterred. “Absolutely one hundred percent positive.” She took my hand in both of hers and held it still for a moment before placing it flat against her ribs.

The tips of my fingers brushed the underside of her breast, and I groaned.

She set the box of cards on the coffee table and straddled me, rising up on her knees so we were on the same level. Her eyes had gone dark green again with those fiery golden flecks making them come to life. I wanted to drown in them, to let the flames consume me.

“Remember?” she murmured before her lips pressed to mine in a teasing, taunting kiss. “No questions asked. No arguments. No hesitation. Take me to bed, Levi.”

“You’re sure you’re ready for this?”

She rabbit-punched my shoulder. “That’s a question.”

“It’s an important question.”

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