Page 85 of Losing an Edge

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He gave me a questioning look. “And?”

I fiddled with the zipper on my purse, drawing out my response as long as I could. “And she’s agreed that I should be the one who does all the yucky kissing stuff with you, and she knows that when you get married you do lots of yucky kissing stuff, so she’ll be my junior bridesmaid at our wedding as long as she gets to love you still.”

About halfway through my answer, Levi slammed on the brakes in the middle of the parking garage to turn and stare at me. Now his jaw was hanging slack, but his dimple was out alongside a huge grin.

“So what are you saying?” he asked.

“I guess I’m saying yes, I’ll marry you. Is that worth a better kiss?”

In answer, he leaned over, cupping a hand behind my head and drawing me in to kiss me senseless. With the way he was kissing me, if we hadn’t been in a car in the middle of the Moda Center’s parking garage, I might have straddled him and insisted he make love to me right then and there.

Good thing someone behind us laid on their horn, shocking us back to our senses.

Barely in time, too. Levi slammed his foot back down on the brake right before he hit a car that was parked along the wall. “Shit! I lifted my foot, I guess.”

My heart was about to pound through my chest, both from the exhilaration of telling the man I loved with all my heart that I would be his wife and from the adrenaline of nearly crashing into a parked vehicle.

Levi put both hands on the steering wheel and took a couple of deep breaths. The car behind us—the one whose driver had honked—pulled around to pass us. Levi rolled down his window and waved in thanks.

It turned out to be Koz, who rolled down his window and flipped us the bird. “Get a room, fuck face,” he shouted before zooming off ahead of us.

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Levi said. He rolled up his window again and drove us back to his apartment as fast as he could without breaking too many laws.

We were barely inside before he had me pinned against the wall, kissing me with an intensity that cleared my headache and melted any resistance I might have otherwise felt. It had been a long time since we’d had good, frantic sex—ever since my trip to the hospital, Levi had been treating me as carefully as ever—but I was ready for it. I wanted him any way I could have him right now. Maybe even on the kitchen counter again. I was due for a new sex injury or two.

I started ripping at my clothes, but he put his hands on mine, stilling me.

“What?” I said, searching his eyes.

“My turn to ask for what I want.”

The way he said it, staring at me with such heat and desire turning his baby blues to the same color as the midnight sky, left me shaking with the need to do whatever he wanted from me.

“Okay,” I said, my voice quivering. “What do you want?”

“You.” He twirled a strand of my hair around his fingers. “Naked. In my bed. Letting me make slow, sweet love to you and watching you come again and again.”

I would have had to be out of my mind to argue with that suggestion.

Needless to say, I didn’t.

Later, still spooning, with Levi’s arm draped heavily around my waist, I twisted around in his arms until I could tease the few bits of hair on his chest. He kissed me, as slowly and languorously as he’d made love to me, and I fell a little deeper in love with him.

“I forgot something,” he said, rolling away from me.

I instantly felt the loss of him—his heat, his strength.

He rolled back almost immediately, with the ring box in his hand. “You ready to put this on?”

I grinned and took the ring out. Even in the moonlight coming in through the window, the diamond glinted. “It’s beautiful,” I said, sliding it onto my finger. Then I kissed him again, coming around to fully face him.

He wrapped both arms around me, drawing me deeper into his embrace. “Mischief managed?”

“And then some.”
