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“Then give me some time to claim it. Queenie gave you two months: I beg you to do the same for me. My home is open to you and your son. You will have all the space you need, all the time you need. But I promise you that every day I will find a way to show you that I’m worthy of you. That I love you.”

She felt a rush of happiness, immediately followed by a prickle of embarrassment. She gave Rhys a shy sidelong glance. He was saying this in front of a kid?

Reading her mind, Rhys countered, “Hey, I’m part of this, too!”

Melanie and Corbin laughed, and then turned to each other again. “You are, son,” Corbin said softly. “Now I’m just waiting on an answer from your maman.”

She lifted her head and looked at him… really looked at him. Taking in his beautiful face, which couldn’t hide his strengths or his vulnerabilities. Questioning her heart and finding all the right answers. She got up on tiptoe to kiss him, looping her fingers through his.

“Rhys,” she murmured when she finally pulled away, “help the driver unload the bags. Corbin and I need a few private moments in your herb garden.”

Both her men grinned happily at her, and then Rhys said slyly, “Private kissy-time, you mean.”

She laughed and tugged at Corbin’s hand, urging him to follow her. “Quite right, Mr. Smarty-pants.”
