Page 62 of Shadow of Doubt

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“And Crowley.”

She clucked her tongue. “Busy boy.”

“By that time I’d done my research on you, your father, your boyfriends, your interests. Everything. I knew all about you.”

“Charming,” she muttered with more than a trace of sarcasm.

He ignored the dig. “Obviously Crowley knew you were onto him. He must’ve recognized you since he’s in tight with your dad. But I don’t think any feelings he has for your old man would affect his ambitions and you, lady, were and are a threat to him.”

“How would he guess?”

“He’s a powerful man with more than his share of connections. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of your co-workers is in the senator’s back pocket.”


“That much I don’t know,” he admitted, scowling slightly. “So I kept dogging you and I knew you’d planned to see the mission because I’d overheard you talking to the concierge at the hotel, asking directions. I made sure I got there ahead of you and then…” Guilt shadowed his eyes and he rubbed a hand over his mouth. “…I wasn’t paying attention and suddenly I heard you scream. I ran as fast as I could and found you on the lower ledge. The rest you can figure out.”

“What about the man who pushed me?”

Trent shook his head. “Didn’t see him.” When he realized she was about to protest, he held up a hand. “I’m not saying he didn’t exist, I’m just telling you I didn’t see him. He could’ve hidden, I suppose. All I was concerned about was getting you to safety.”

“And deciding to pretend to be my husband.”

“As I said, originally I did it so that I could stick close to you and keep you safe. That hospital didn’t have the best security in the world and I thought Crowley might send one of his goons to make sure you didn’t talk. That part worked.”

“But only because I didn’t regain my memory. What would have happened if I’d suddenly remembered everything?”

A muscle worked in his jaw. “That was one bridge I thought I’d cross when I came to it.”

“And that’s why you didn’t…rush things in the bedroom.”

He slid his jaw to the side. “I told myself that I’d keep my hands off you. Your injuries were enough reason.”


“Oh, hell, Nikki,” he exploded, “I couldn’t help myself! I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t exactly rape you now, did I?”

She blushed darkly. “You took advantage of me.”

“So sue me! Call the damned police! Do whatever you have to, but, for God’s sake, believe me! I couldn’t keep away. I wanted to. Hell, I knew making love to you would be a mistake, but it was a risk I had to take.”

“You didn’t have to do anything.”

He sighed loudly. “It happened, Nikki.”

Her heart started to crack again, but she refused to play the part of the wounded victim. Unfortunately part of what he said made sense and the truth be told, she didn’t want to leave him. Not yet. Not until she was stronger. Climbing to her feet, she said, “Okay, we’ll go along with the charade, for just a few more days, until I can figure out how the hell to divorce you quietly. Then, a clean break.”

“Fine.” He seemed relieved. The lines of tension around his eyes became less prominent.

“But I am going to work.”

He started to argue, thought better of it and nodded curtly. “I’ll drive you and pick you up, then we’ll go to the airport and try to locate your car.”

There was no sense belaboring the point. At least the ground rules were set down, not that they might not shift at any minute. She found a set of towels in a cupboard and, after announcing she was going to take a shower, locked the bathroom door behind her and turned on the old spigots. Steam rose to the ceiling as she stripped off her clothes. So she wasn’t married. Good. Soon Trent would be out of her life forever.

She pushed aside the shower curtain and stepped beneath the hot spray. As she reached for the shampoo bottle, she noticed her ringless left hand and bit down hard to keep from sobbing. What was wrong with her? He was a phony! A sham! A liar! No better than Judas Iscariot or Benedict Arnold!

So why did she still love him?

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