Page 113 of Backlash

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Colton watched her. “I just want to ask Ivan a few questions.”

“About Black Magic?”


Cassie frowned. “You think Dad might know where your horse is?”

“Denver’s horse,” he shot back.

“That’s right. You’re not into ranching, are you?”

“Never have been.”

“Neither was Denver. He changed,” she flung out, hoping to wound him a little, though any hope she had that Colton had mellowed over the years died when she noticed the hard angle of his jaw.

“I won’t.” His eyes were steely gray as he scrutinized her. She saw the room as he did—peeling paint and scratched counters, worn, overwaxed flooring, blackened kettles hanging from dusty ceiling beams. His eyes were restless, and there was a wariness about him, a hard edge she didn’t remember.

“Why’re you here? Why not your brother?” she finally asked.

“Denver and his wife are in Los Angeles.”

She remembered now. In her work as a veterinarian, she’d overheard snatches of conversation at the surrounding ranches. Denver and Tessa would be away for another few weeks. “And you’re stuck with the ranch,” she taunted, unable to resist goading Colton. “So how did you manage to lose the most valuable horse on the spread?”

“I didn’t lose anything. He was stolen.”

Finally she understood why he was sitting in the middle of the Aldridge kitchen, his expression hard with unnamed accusations, his bearded chin jutted in fury.

Her voice, when she found it, was barely a whisper. “You’re not here to suggest that Dad had something to do with Black Magic’s disappearance, are you? Because if you are, you can just haul your self-righteous backside out of here right now!”

He didn’t move.

Cassie advanced on him. “Dad would never—”

“He’s made threats.”

Her lips twisted. “That was a long time ago, Colton.”

“Feuds have a way of smoldering—then flaring when you least expect them.”

“Not this one!” She poked a finger at his chest. Her skin collided with rock-hard denim-clad muscles. “You’d better leave. Now! Just get in your truck or Jeep or car or whatever it is you’ve got parked outside and take off, before I decide to start the feud all over again by strangling you!”

“Strong words, Cass,” he chided.

“Strong accusations, Colt.”

He eyed her speculatively. “You’ve changed.”

“Thank God.”

His gaze lowered to the hollow of her breasts displayed all too vividly by her gaping robe. “But in some respects, you’re still the same—”

“Get out, Colton.”

“Not until I talk to Ivan,” he said with infuriating calm.

“He may not be back tonight.”

“I’ll take my chances.”
