Page 126 of Backlash

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“You’re a lying, two-timing bastard, McLean.”

“I didn’t call you,” he reminded her.

“It’s that Aldridge girl, isn’t it?” Jessica charged.

“Leave her out of this,” Colton warned.

“God, Colton, she’s barely out of diapers! And her father would murder you if he ever got wind—”

“Stop it!” Colton cut in, his voice low.

“Don’t I mean anything to you?” she wheedled, and a long silence followed.

So Colton didn’t care about Jessica! Cassie, flattened against the tree, heard her heart slamming against her ribs.

“You’re a fool, Colton McLean!” Jessica charged.


Cassie heard footsteps crossing the gravel driveway and the sound of a car door slam loudly. She peeked around the tree trunk just as the convertible roared to life again and tore down the drive. Jessica’s long blond hair waved like a moon-dusted banner behind her.

Cassie turned her gaze to Colton. He was standing in the middle of the yard, but he wasn’t paying the slightest attention to the disappearing car. Instead, an amused smile curved his lips. His hands on his hips, he stared straight at Cassie.

“See enough, Cass?” he taunted.

Cassie swallowed hard. She wanted to run as fast as her legs would carry her back to the fence where Tavish was waiting, but she forced herself to step forward. She felt young and stupid and incredibly naive. “I heard you were dating Jessica,” she admitted, forcing her head up to meet the questions in his eyes.

“Not much of a date,” he said sarcastically. “It was her idea.”

Cassie managed a poor imitation of a cynical smile. “Seems like you have all sorts of women chasing you down.”

“Not many. Some are girls.”

She bristled. “How can you say that? After ... after—”

Colton sighed, plowing his hands through his hair. He closed the gap between them and grabbed her arm, drawing her into the shadows away from the house. “You are a girl, damn it,” he ground out, more exasperated than angry. “Seventeen, for crying out loud!” He dropped her arm and swore. “I don’t know what to think of you, Cassie.”

“We made love.”

He sucked in a swift breath. “I haven’t forgotten.”

“Then why haven’t you called or stopped by?” she asked, her heart pounding wildly with fear—fear that he would reject her, fear that he wouldn’t want the baby.

“Oh, God, Cass,” he whispered, his voice rough, “if you think this has been easy—”

“Don’t you want to see me?”

His jaw worked. “More than I should.”

“Then, why—”

“Because I don’t want to make the same mistake twice.”

“Mistake?” she whispered, her throat closing. “Mistake?” Unbidden, tears filled her eyes. “How can you call what we shared a mistake? I love—”

He held up one flat palm. “I don’t want to hear it!”

“Why not, Colton? Because you’re afraid?”

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