Page 178 of Backlash

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“Here goes nothing,” he mumbled under his breath, but said more loudly, “I’ll get it in the den.” Cassie shoved back her chair and started for the door, but Colton added, “Don’t leave until I’m done talking with my brother.”

She glanced over her shoulder. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Good.” Colton walked into the den and snatched up the telephone receiver. “I’m glad you called,” he said, stretching the truth a little. “We’ve got a problem.” Blow by blow, he explained about Black Magic’s disappearance, return and subsequent poor health.

Denver didn’t say a word—not one comment as Colton continued. But the tension stretching over the telephone wires was nearly palpable.

“. . . So hopefully, none of the other horses are infected,” Colton finished.

“Hopefully? Hopefully?”

“It’s still too early to tell.”

“Damn!” Denver swore long and loud. When he was through ranting and raving, he growled, “And you’re sure Tessa’s horses are okay?”

“I can’t be sure of anything,” Colton admitted, running a hand over his scratchy jaw. “But they’re the least likely as they haven’t been near Magic or Tempest.”

“I guess I should be thankful for small favors.”

“I suppose,” Colton said, feeling defensive. Was this really his fault? Or should someone have clued him in that Magic was lost last year? He leaned a hip against the desk. There was no reason to start pointing fingers anyway. It wouldn’t change a thing.

“Son of a bitch!” Denver was still showing off his rather limited vocabulary.


“We can’t leave tonight—but we can cut the trip short by a week.”

“I don’t see why. There’s nothing more you can do.”

“Except wring the neck of the bastard who stole Black Magic in the first place! Obviously Magic caught the virus while he was gone.”

“Looks that way.” Colton heard Denver’s swift intake of breath.

“Do you think it was deliberate?”

“Deliberate?” Colton repeated, his gaze shifting around the room.

“Yeah. Isn’t it possible that whoever’s behind all this is more deadly than you think? Maybe stealing Black Magic was more than just an irritating prank.”

Colton didn’t like Denver’s line of reasoning. “You honestly think someone would infect Black Magic on purpose?”

“Hell, I don’t know!” Denver thundered. “But you have to admit it’s a distinct possibility. In fact, it’s downright plausible!”

“That’s a little farfetched,” Colton said, wondering if his brother were even more jaded than he.

“Is it? No more farfetched than someone stealing the horse just to cause a little trouble! Think about it, for God’s sake! Strangles could cripple the ranch. Not only could we lose livestock and rack up a fortune in vet bills, but the stallions will be out of commission during the breeding season. No one in his right mind would send a mare to a ranch with that virus floating around. This was no accident!”

“No way—”

“It’s happening, damn it!” Denver nearly shouted.

Colton suddenly felt tired. What if Denver was right? He closed his eyes and listened to his brother’s rapid, angry breathing. “Look, I’ll warn Curtis and tell him what you think. I’m not saying you’re right, but I suppose there’s the chance someone’s that vindictive.”

“Someone like Ivan Aldridge.”

Colton didn’t comment. Even he didn’t think Ivan was capable of anything so treacherous. “It’s not Aldridge.”

“How do you know? Has anyone talked to him?”

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