Page 189 of Backlash

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“And don’t blame me or my father for something we didn’t do!”

The corners of his mouth moved slightly, and she couldn’t help but drop her gaze to the thin, sensual line of his lips that hid all-too-perfect teeth. Her heartbeat went wild; her

breath fairly burst in her lungs as he tightened his arms around her, crushed her breasts against his chest and kissed her long and hard and lazily, as if they had all the time in the world.

Cassie closed her eyes, holding on to this one breathless instant and telling herself what had gone before didn’t matter. His tongue slid between her teeth, and she welcomed its touch. All thoughts of denying him vanished.

Colton groaned, a deep primal sound that caused an answering moan from her. His hands moved up slowly, lifting, surrounding her breasts with a sweet, tortured reverence that nearly moved Cassie to tears. His thumbs stroked gently across her blouse. Her nipples hardened, the skin stretching tight, an ache forming deep in her center. “Stay, Cass,” he whispered. “At least for a little while.”

She wanted to say no. Deep in her heart she knew she was making an irreversible mistake. “For a while,” she agreed, and his lips moved hungrily over hers.

He lifted her from her feet and carried her to the far end of the barn. Still holding her, he switched off the lights and kicked open the gate to an empty stall. Fresh, sweet-smelling straw covered the floor.

Colton grabbed a clean blanket with one hand, dropped it over the straw and gently laid Cassie on the makeshift bed. “What if someone comes here?” she said, though her mind was fuzzy.

“No one will.”


“Shh. Milly’s busy, and Curtis and the rest of the hands are in the fields. It’s just you and me.” Covering her mouth with his, he lay with her, his legs entwined with hers, his arms holding her tight against him.

Outside, the wind whispered through the trees. Cattle lowed, and a night bird called softly. The inside of the barn was warm; horses shifted and sighed, and Colton carefully lifted her sweater over her head.

In the half-light, Cassie stared up at him. No longer a naive girl of seventeen, she curled her hand around his neck and bent his head so that their lips could mesh. She sighed when he pushed the strap of her camisole off her shoulder.

His lips nibbled at the sculpted lace, and his tongue traced a sensual pattern against her skin. She shivered, but not from the cold. Anticipation caused tiny bumps to rise on her flesh. He warmed them with the caress of his tongue.

“Colton,” she whispered, arching closer.

“I’m right here, love.” He lifted his head and stared at her, and for an instant Cassie forgot about the pain of the past, forgot how he’d abandoned her, forgot that he’d sworn never to trust her again. “God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, tucking his palms under her breasts and tenderly lifting them upward until both nipples peeked over the lace.

With a moan he took one little bud in his mouth and laved it with his tongue, lashing and flicking, causing Cassie’s mind to spin, her breath to come in short gasps.

She wound her fingers in his hair, holding him close as he moved from one breast to the other, letting the night air cool the wet trail against her skin while he stoked a fire already raging through her blood.

Her hands moved of their own accord, tugging on his jacket and shoving it impatiently over his shoulders. Colton struggled out of it and flung it into a corner of the stall. It was quickly followed by his shirt, and she ran her fingers intimately over the hard, corded muscles of his chest and back. He kissed her again, his mouth molding over hers.

Strong and lean and sinewy, his hard body fit against her softer flesh. The mat of dark hair on his chest brushed and tickled her breasts. His dark, stubbled jaw prickled her cheeks.

His hands moved swiftly and without hesitation. Easily he unbuttoned her skirt and slid it, along with her pantyhose and panties down her legs, stripping her bare. Then, once she was lying naked in the straw, her breasts rising and falling as rapidly as her breath, he knelt above her, unbuckled his belt, slid the leather strap through the loops and let it drop.

Her throat was suddenly desert-dry, and their gazes touched, locked, ignited. With one deft movement he slid his jeans over his own hips and thighs.

Cassie had trouble swallowing. For years she’d dreamed of just this moment. Unashamed, she stared at him, his raw nakedness, the downy hair on his legs, the shadowy apex of his legs.

Teeth sinking into her lip, she watched as he lazily lay over her, his weight settling comfortably against her, his skin fusing with hers.

“This is the time to say no,” he said, swallowing, his voice deep and husky, one hand slowly running from her rib cage to her ankle and back again. “Stop me before it’s too late.”

“I . . . I don’t want to,” she admitted.

His gaze shifted to her face, then to the darkened corners of the huge room. “Oh, Cass,” he murmured, his hands twining in her cloud of dark curls, his face twisted into a tortured expression. “Why couldn’t I ever forget you?”

“Probably for the same reason I couldn’t forget you.”

His lips crashed down on hers, and there was no turning back. Their tongues met and danced while they explored, caressed and teased with their hands. She traced the scars on his shoulder; he trailed his fingers along the curve of her spine, and a dewy sheen of sweat melded his body to hers.

The ache within her stretched wide as his manhood brushed against her abdomen and thighs, teasing, titillating, driving any last-minute doubts from her mind.
