Page 24 of Backlash

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His jaw slid to the side. “I can’t stand pity.”

“Then you won’t get any from me.”


She stared into his eyes, then forced her gaze back to the paddock. To change the course of the conversation, she pointed to Brigadier. “He’s my pride and joy. And he’s not part of your ranch. I bought him and paid for his upkeep here out of my own pocket.”

“I’ll remember that,” Denver said tightly.

“He’s part of a herd of six. Brigadier and two of the mares, Ebony and Red Wing, are special.”

“Where did you get them?”

“At auction. From one of the neighboring ranchers. You remember Ivan Aldridge?”

“Ivan the Terrible—that’s what Colton used to call him.”

“Right.” Tessa frowned and ran the tip of one finger along the dusty fence rail. “Ivan’s had a few rough years himself. Most every rancher in this valley has. Anyway, he had to sell Brigadier. Two years later, I found Red Wing. Ebony and the rest came later.”

Denver’s eyes narrowed on the small herd of pregnant mares. “Were they Aldridge’s, too?”

Shaking her head, Tessa said, “All the horses came from different ranches.”

Denver’s gaze shifted back to her. “How could you afford to pay for them?”

“I don’t see that it matters.”

“Just curious.”

“Sure.” Denver McLean always had an angle. “Not that it’s any of your business,” she finally said, “but I’d saved some of the money and I borrowed the rest.” Gathering her courage, she met his eyes and decided to go for broke and tell him the truth. “Of course no bank would loan me any money. I was still going to school and working here.”

“Of course.”

“Fortunately, John saw Brigadier’s potential. He loaned me the money to buy the stallion.”

“And how,” he drawled, eyeing her suspiciously, “did you pay him back?”


sp; “Stud fees.”

Blue lightning flashed in his eyes and a muscle jumped in his jaw. But before he could ask any more questions, a green station wagon rattled up the drive.

Mitchell climbed from behind the wheel. Squaring his hat on his head, he approached Tessa and Denver. “So you really did show up,” he said, his eyes narrowing on Denver McLean for the first time in seven years. He wedged himself between Denver and Tessa.

Denver returned Mitchell’s cold smile. “Thought I’d better check on my investment.”

“Investment?” Mitchell snorted. “I wouldn’t be counting on retiring from this place if I were you.”

“I’m going to sell it.”

If this information surprised Mitchell, he hid it. His thin mouth didn’t move beneath the gold-colored stubble covering his jaw. His gaze didn’t flicker. He shoved a wayward strand of straw-blond hair from his face. “I figured you would.”

“Your sister wants to buy me out.”

“Does she?” Mitchell’s brows shot up. He cast Tessa a questioning glance.

“Where’s your father?” Denver asked. “I’d like to talk to him.”
