Page 104 of Paranoid

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“No ‘buts’ about it,” Cade said, staring his daughter down. “We don’t know what’s happening, but this is the second murder in Edgewater in under a week.”

“It has nothing to do with us.”

“You don’t know that,” Cade cut in and pointed at the door. “This house was vandalized—”

“What do you mean?” Harper asked.

Rachel explained about the door and when it had been marred.

“Seriously?” Harper was stunned. “I didn’t even notice.”

“I know,” Cade said. “It happened the other night. Your mom painted over it and didn’t want to upset you.”

“Geez.” Dylan slid a glance at Rachel.

Cade went on. “That’s not all. Your mom got at least one kind of freaky text. The text might be nothing, but we don’t know that. Not yet. That’s the point. We, all of us”—he motioned to indicate the entire family—“need to be extra vigilant. So you don’t sneak out again. And you”—he turned his gaze on his son—“you don’t need to be sabotaging the security system. What were you thinking?”

Dylan didn’t answer.

Rachel couldn’t believe it. “Let me get this straight. You made a separate circuit for Harper’s room, one you could disengage at will?”

No response.

She went on, “Did you do the same to your room, too?”

Dylan studied the floor and Rachel’s eyes narrowed. “It didn’t take you long to do it. I was right there.” Another worrisome thought crawled through her brain. “Please don’t tell me this is what you do for other kids,” she said, horrified at the thought. She paused to fill Cade in, explaining about searching both kids’ living areas and being accused of invading their spaces. “And I found an unexplained stash of money in Dylan’s room. Harper said it was for fixing his friends’ computers and the like, but I think there’s more to it.”

Dylan glanced up, then down again and swallowed as if there was something stuck in his throat.

“We’ll need a list of any security systems you altered,” Cade said, obviously trying to keep a lid on his own anger.

“I didn’t do anyone else.” Dylan finally met his father’s gaze.

“He’s not lying,” Harper said.

Rachel wasn’t convinced and drilled her son. “Then what is it you’re into?”

“Geez, Mom,” Dylan said. “What I told you before. Computers. Gaming systems.”

“Why am I having trouble believing that now?” Rachel glared at her kids. “Do you know what happens when you pull stunts like this, both of you? You lose our trust.”

“And it’s going to take a while to gain it back,” Cade said.

“So do we have to start all over with our security system?” Rachel asked, ready to tear her hair out in frustration. “Or is it secure again?”

Dylan nodded. “It’s all working. I hooked it up again when Harper texted me that you were bringing her home. It’s just a simple switch.”

“That you’ll remove,” Cade said.



“Yes!” Dylan’s temper flashed.

Cade repeated, “And tonight, now, everything’s secure?”

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