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Katie laughed as she walked toward the driver’s side of her car and Bliss’s pulse, though she was loath to admit it, skyrocketed. “Someone just proved my point.”

Mason waved to Katie as she climbed into her rattletrap of a convertible and twisted on the ignition. The engine coughed twice before catching. Then Katie gunned it, and in a plume of blue smoke, the old car lumbered down the drive.

Bliss stood her ground and wished she knew what to say to this man who could turn her world upside down with one long, slow, life-altering kiss.

* * *

Mason felt a tightening in his gut at the sight of her. Dear Lord, Bliss Cawthorne was beautiful and seductive and sexy without even trying to be. As he braked, she smiled slightly, the wind catching in her sun-streaked hair. His heart stopped for a second that was destined to change his life forever. He didn’t have a reason to be here, but all day long he’d thought of last evening and making love to her. The image of her blue eyes, dusky with desire, her lush lips and rosy-tipped white breasts had filtered through his mind time and time again.

“Well, Mr. Lafferty. I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

“No?” Was she kidding? “I thought we needed to talk.”

“I suppose,” she agreed, though her eyes were bright with suspicions. She rolled one palm toward the heavens. “What do you want?”

“What do I want?” he repeated as he stared at her. You. I want you, Bliss Cawthorne, and I always have. I wish things were different between us, and God, I wish I never had hurt you. He crossed the span of the driveway and stood so close to her he saw the slight trembling of her lip and caught the light scent of h

er perfume. “There are lots of things, Bliss.”

“Such as?”

“I wanted to see you again.” He searched her eyes.

She swallowed hard and some of her false bravado slipped away. “Look, just because we made love doesn’t mean you have some kind of responsibility, a duty to—”

“Is that what you think?”

“To tell you the truth, Mason, I don’t know what to think.”

He believed her. She’d never looked more confused in her life. Well, he intended to set one thing straight. Before she could back up a step, he gathered her into his arms and lowered his lips to meet hers. Her mouth was soft and supple and yielding, her body warm and inviting. With a groan, he held her fast, hands splaying over her back, his blood pumping through his veins.

Lifting his head, he stared into eyes that reflected his own passion. “Now that we’ve settled my sense of ‘duty,’” he said, running a thumb over her lower lip, “let’s talk about us.”

He felt her stiffen. “I thought I told you goodbye last night.”

“You didn’t mean it.”

She lifted a teasing eyebrow. “Didn’t I?”

It was all he could take. “No way, lady,” he said and heard her gasp as he lifted her deftly off her feet and carried her into the house.

“Mason, stop! Let me down!” she cried as he marched determinedly down the short hallway to the bedroom where he’d first carried her bags years ago.

He dropped her onto the old double bed and, as she landed, fell onto the sagging mattress with her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

“Making love to you.”

“What? No—” He cut off her protests with a kiss that started in his lips but touched him so deeply that his groin tightened and his erection, already at half-mast, stiffened in anticipation.

Her arms wound around his neck and she sighed contentedly into his mouth. “Why is it I can never say no to you?” she asked as she opened the buttons of his shirt.

“Because I’m so damned irresistible.”

She laughed. “Oh, that’s it,” she said.

“Why else?” His breath fanned her ear and she couldn’t think. His hand caressed her breast and she moaned. From that moment onward, she was lost.
