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Bliss felt as if she were drowning. The water was warm and calm, a blackness dragging her under.

“Can you hear me? Bliss?”

A voice. Mason’s voice. Oh, Lord, how she loved him.

“Blissie. Wake up now.”

Her father. And he sounded worried. So worried. About her.

“Don’t leave me.” Mason again. She would never leave him. Why would he think…? She struggled to open her eyes, only to allow a blinding flash of light to pierce her brain. Pain exploded at her temples.

“Did you see that?”

“She’s comin’ around.”

“Mason?” she said, but no sound escaped her and her throat felt as dry as sandpaper.

“I’m here, darlin’,” he replied and she felt his hand, big and callused, rubbing the back of hers. Again she tried to force her eyes open and this time, despite the painful brilliance, she managed to blink and stay awake.

“Where—where am I?”

“At the hospital in Medford,” Mason said. His face, all harsh planes and angles, was hovering over hers, and she watched as relief washed over his features.

A doctor appeared, nudged Mason aside and shone yet another light into her eyes as she lay on the starched white sheets. “You’re going to be all right,” he assured her, though she hadn’t been worried. “You’ll be able to go to your father’s wedding.”


“Just as long as she goes to hers,” Mason said.

She blinked again. “Wh-what?”

The doctor moved aside and Mason took her hand, linking his fingers through hers. “Marry me, Bliss.”

“Now, wait a minute—” her father protested from somewhere behind Mason.

“Forgive me and marry me.” Mason swallowed hard. “I love you. I want you to be my wife, to be Dee Dee’s stepmother. To be the mother of my children, our children.”

Tears filled her eyes. Her heart melted. Children. Mason’s children.

Mason kissed her on the temple. “I’ve always loved you, Bliss Cawthorne, and I swear, I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”

“And I’ll love you for the rest of mine.” Her voice was weak and cracked, but her conviction was strong. Managing a smile through her tears of joy, she stared into the golden gaze of the man she’d loved for as long as she could remember. “There’s nothing to forgive, Mason, nothing. And of course I’ll marry you.”

“Oh, hell,” her father said.

“No, Dad, it’s heaven,” she assured him.

“Whatever makes you happy, Blissie,” her father said, his voice filled with emotion.

“Maybe we should plan a double ceremony,” Mason teased.

“I don’t think so,” she said. “I don’t want to share our wedding day with anyone but you.”

Her father cleared his throat. “Whatever you want. Brynnie will be thrilled and your sisters—Hell, I forgot. Katie’s been worried sick about you.”

“And Tiffany?”

There was a pause. “She’s still not talkin’ to me, but she called Katie once and this hospital twice. She’s concemed about you, kiddo. Looks like you might have finally won her over.”
