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She shook her head. “Nothing. I’m getting way too philosophical for this early in the morning.” She sipped her coffee. “So you’re back for the rest of summer and you’re going to be helping me with the promo videos. I appreciate that.”

He gave her a look that implied he wasn’t buying that.

“I do,” she repeated. “You’ll be a great host.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.”

He studied her. “I’m back because my dad’s turning sixty and I haven’t seen my family in a while. What are you doing here?”

A direct question. She decided on a direct answer. “I was tired of what I was doing. I’d made my third and what will be my final attempt at a network job.” She drew in a breath. “The truth is I don’t translate well on camera. On paper, I should be exactly right. I’m attractive enough and intelligent enough and warm enough, and yet it simply doesn’t work. Going back to producing hard news was an option, but I couldn’t get excited about it. I was visiting my stepbrothers and while I was here, Mayor Marsha approached me about the job. I said yes.”

The offer had been unexpected, but she hadn’t taken long to accept. Getting out of LA had been appealing and being close to family had felt right. She never considered that Del would be coming back. She glanced at him from under her lashes. Would that have made a difference? She told herself it wouldn’t have. He was only home for a few weeks. She could manage to hold it together for that long. Besides, the tingling was probably a onetime thing. A knee-jerk reaction to an unexpected visit from her past.

Del had been her first love. Of course there would be residual emotions. Knowing him, caring about him, had changed her forever.

“About the videos,” she said.

“You have lots of ideas.”

“How did you know?”

He looked at her, his dark eyes bright with amusement. “You always did and you were forceful with your opinions.”

“That’s not a bad thing.”

“I agree. You told me what they were, then explained why I was an idiot if I didn’t listen to you.” She sipped her coffee. “I doubt I said idiot,” she murmured.

“You were thinking it.”

She laughed. “Maybe.”

She had been forceful and determined. Instead of finding her annoying, Del had encouraged her to explain herself. He’d wanted to know what she was thinking.

“You had some good ideas to improve the tours,” he said. “I’m sure you’ll have good ideas about the videos. Of course I have some experience with the medium myself.”

He could have acted like a bastard, she thought, remembering how things had ended. Of course if he’d still been angry, he would have refused to work with her.

“Challenging my authority?” she asked lightly.

“We’ll see.”

She glanced at her watch. “I need to get to work.” She suggested a day and time for their first official meeting, then stood and walked back toward town.

Partway down the path, she had the urge to turn back. To see if Del was watching her. When she glanced over her shoulder, she saw he wasn’t. He’d gone inside.

Foolishness, she told herself. Just like the tingles. If she ignored it, it would go away. At least that was the plan.

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