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I was awakened by Matty. Again.

“Yo, bitch. What’s up with the guys? Find a hubby yet?” He cackled wickedly.

Sometimes he annoyed the living shit out of me.

“You woke me up, Matty. Why do you do that?” I asked.

“Because,” he explained, “if I have to suffer by going to work at normal hours in the morning, then so should my best friend. Take it as a compliment!”

“I don’t see it as a compliment…”

“So. Which ones have you gone out with? And most importantly, which one has the biggest dick?”

“Oh, Matty. You’re such a jerk.” I pushed myself up in bed, my room still fairly dark thanks to the blackout shades I’d thought to close. I took a sip from the glass of water on my nightstand.

“Well?” he asked.

“Calm down. So, I’ve been out with three of them. Apparently there is a fourth.”

“So…” he prodded.

“So far, there’ve been Nat, Linc, and Win.”

“Ohmygod. Hot names—“

“Matty, are you gonna let me talk?”


“Nat took me out on a sailboat that we spent the night on. He’s smart…and funny. And a great lover, I might add.” I could practically hear Matty biting his tongue, trying not to interrupt. He eventually would, though. He always did. “Then, there was Linc, who owns a gym. Super buff. We played right there in his office, overlooking the basketball court. Last night was Win, the groundskeeper at Grandpa’s property. We messed around in the alley next to the Zeitgeist bar and oh my god, was he amazing.”

He waited a minute to make sure I was through talking.

“You. Little. Slutbag. I love it! You’re finally becoming the wild woman I always knew you would,” he said.

“You mean I’m becoming like you, don’t you? Well, I’m not. I’m testing these guys out to see which I might be able to get married to.”

“Yeah, yeah. Enjoy the ride, girl. Anyway, what do they say when you tell them you might inherit millions?” he asked.

“I’m not telling them that. Are you crazy? First, I have to find out whether they like me for me.”

“Right. Makes sense. So when are you gonna choose?”

“I don’t know. I have one more guy to go out with.”

“Wow. When it rains it pours. Girl, you’re about to have men and money. I think I hate you.”

“Well, don’t hate me yet. Because as of now, I have neither.”

But god, I hoped that would change.

Chapter 16

Ambrose “Brose”

Win must have talked me up because Garnet seemed happy to hear from me when I’d called. Christ, he was a good friend, always doing me a solid. A lot of people would think it was crazy to do what we do. Hell, it pretty much was crazy. But sharing a woman worked for us, and when we found the right one, it worked for her just as well. He was busy with Cordy’s property, and I was working insane hours at the restaurant, so neither of us had what it took to be a full-time boyfriend. Between the two of us, we managed to make our women pretty damn happy. At least, that’s what they’d tell us.

So when Garnet agreed to go out with me, I felt like I’d won the lottery. She was smoking hot with those long curls and big, curvy butt. Yeah, I know most brothers like a big old ass on our women, but I didn’t like anything too extreme. Maybe it was from growing up around so many white people. I did like a substantial ass—but that didn’t mean one that went on for miles.
