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I had them all seated by eight p.m. and started serving. As we dove in, I raised my wine glass.

“I want to toast the four of you. These last few days have been the happiest of my life. I so appreciate your willingness to be open-minded and committed to the best for not only me but also the group itself. I never dreamed we’d all work this well together.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and as the room filled with a chorus of cheers, I looked at each one of their beautiful faces as they helped themselves to the meal I’d thrown my heart and soul into preparing.

Chapter 24

Nathaniel “Nat”

Not only was Garnet gorgeous and sexy, she could also cook like nobody’s business. I needed to find a way to keep this woman in my life.

I’d just sliced into one of the best filet mignons I’d ever seen when she cleared her throat. I hoped it wasn’t the speech I’d been dreading, the one where she sends each of us on our way. I mean, I knew it had to happen eventually, but I wasn’t ready. Not yet, please.

“I have a few things to share with you, my handsome friends,” she said. Everyone looked up from their plates.

“There’s a reason I had everyone move into the mansion with me, that’s a bit different from the one I told you about in the beginning.” She took a sip of her wine and nervously cleared her throat. She looked at each of us, one at a time.

“I got a visit from an attorney three weeks ago now, who came to tell me a man who’d been a regular at the Drive By where I work had died and left me his estate.”

I sneaked a look at the other guys at the table and found we were all looking at each other.

“The man who left me the money was named Bill Cordy and this was his house. Win and Brose knew him, but they didn’t know about the money.”

I looked over at Win, who was white as a ghost.

Garnet continued, “The estate that was left to me is worth five million dollars…”

Holy shit. I set down my fork, just like the other guys did.

“…and the only way I actually receive it is if I’m married within thirty days of the attorney notifying me.”

“So what are you saying?” I asked.

“The reason I asked everyone to move in was so I could choose one guy.”

“And…?” Brose asked.

“And, I’ve found I have very strong feelings for each of you. Very strong and intensely powerful feelings for four men. And I have no idea what to do with that.”

For a moment, no one made a sound.

Then Brose broke the silence. “You know how I feel about you, Garnet. Hell, you know how we all feel about you. It’s scary for all of us.”

“I’m fucking crazy about you,” Linc said, looking around the table. “Brose is right. We all are.”

Garnet’s hand flew up to her mouth, and her eyes filled with tears. But there was no stopping them.

“I…I don’t know what to do,” she said through a shaking voice. “That money would change my life. It would change all our lives. Each of you has dreams, just like I do. I just don’t know why Cordy stipulated that I had to be married.” She buried her face in her hands. “It’s so stupid…why did he do it…”

Win reached her first and drew her into his arms. She sobbed into his shoulder as he patted her hair. What a crazy fucking situation. Christ.

Garnet stood from the table. “You know what, guys? I hate to ruin a great night, but I’m feeling like I need some time alone. I hope you’ll excuse me. Please enjoy the rest of your dinner.”

The sound of her high heels on the wooden floor got further and further away until her bedroom door slammed shut.

* * *

As well as we guys in the house got along with each other, after that dinner, there was tension in the air. I knew we all cared for Garnet and wanted the best for her. The thing was, the reality of which of us might end up with her had reared its ugly head. There was no denying our happy little family’s time together was coming to an end.
