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Fucking asshole.

“Jayma, goddamn it—” But he didn’t get to finish.

The door to the reception area flew open.

It was Tanner. He didn’t look happy.

You might think it was weird, having a “thing” with someone from work, but instead of it being awkward, as I had thought it would be, it was strangely comforting.

“Bob, I can hear your big goddamn mouth all the way down the hall in my office. Is there some reason you can’t make your own copies?” He got close to Bob’s face. Really close. Probably too close.

“You know, Webb, you need to mind your own business.” Wow, I didn’t know Bob had it in him. I didn’t like the guy, but I had to hand it to him, he was standing up for himself. Even if he was in the wrong.

As the volume of their voices increased, I cupped my hand over my headset’s mic so no one on the phone would hear the shit show unfolding in front of me.

Tanner pulled his shoulders back and puffed out his chest the way guys do when they’re trying to look tough. And boy, did he pull it off. Tough guy with slightly nerdy glasses. I didn’t know whether to be terrified or to take out my cell phone and snap a picture.

“It is my business—the whole office’s business—when we hear you raising your voice,” Tanner said with gritted teeth.

Bob’s face was purple at this point, and sweat was beading on his temples. He snatched his papers off my desk, pointing a finger into Tanner’s chest.

“I wouldn’t be having a meeting about all this,” he violently shook his fistful of paper, “if the accounts you worked on were making the company some money.”


“What did you say?” Tanner asked.

Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I was frozen in place. I knew I should be calling someone for help before all hell broke loose, but I was in panic mode, and therefore mostly useless.

Just then, Mr. Renner appeared in the reception area’s doorway.

“What the hell’s going on out here?” He snapped us all out of our adrenaline-charged trance. Both Bob and Tanner backed away from each other.

Tanner spoke first. “I think there may have been a small misunderstanding about responsibilities, but it’s all straightened out now. Right, Bob?” he asked, looking right at him.

“Um, yes. Yes, it’s all good.” Bob rushed past Mr. Renner in the doorway, disappearing down the hall.

Mr. Renner approached Tanner and me. “Is everything okay here?”

We bobbed our heads in unison, uttering all forms of yessir’s, everything’s great. Tanner headed back to his office, after a sly wink at me.

“Jayma, I’d like to talk to you in my office. Can you get one of the girls to cover for you?” Without waiting for my answer, he turned and left.

Ohmygod. Shit. Was I in trouble?

I got someone to answer the phones and tore down the hallway to Mr. Renner’s office with a pad and pen in hand.

“Mr. Renner?”

“Jayma, yes, come in and please close the door.” He gestured toward the seat opposite his desk.

Good lord. Was this my last day at work? Because if it was, I’d have much bigger problems than just my house being foreclosed on.

Who knew my life could get more fucked up than it already was?

“Jayma, the other day you approached me with your interest in taking on more responsibility. Growing your career here at the agency.” He looked down at his hands, which were folded on his desk.
