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“Right. Right.”

Go ahead. Ask her.

“So, um, what happened with her brother-in-law?”

There. I’d done it.

But maybe I shouldn’t have. Maizy’s face went from pink to bright red in a second. She looked down at the bubbles rising in her champagne flute.

“He’s nice. Yeah. Nice guy.” She nodded.

Okayyy, we won’t talk about that then. But it was funny because she usually didn’t mind telling me about her dates.

Things were different now. At last.

“How ‘bout you? Any more online adventures?” she asked.

“Nope. They haven’t worked out that well for me.” I shrugged.

“And what about your promotion? Are you totally psyched? Will you be getting a penthouse like this?” She threw her head back and laughed, one of my favorite sounds.

“I don’t think I’ll be getting anything like this, anytime soon. Don’t think I’d want it, anyway. And I’m not sure I’m all that excited about the promotion, either.” I hadn’t shared this with a soul.

Here come the questions.

Her brow furrowed. “What? Are you serious?”

We moved over to the dining table, where Mel was serving.

Oh, what the hell. I didn’t have to pretend with Maizy. “To be honest, I don’t really like the work I do. Never have. In fact, I kind of hate it.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re kidding. Is this a joke? I thought you loved your work.”

“Everyone thinks I love it. That’s how I got promoted, I guess.” I sliced into what must have been the most perfect filet mignon I’d ever had. I could get used to Steve’s life. No doubt about it. But I probably never would.

“Wow. I had no idea. I’m so sorry. I never knew,” she said.

Her compassion got me. Right in the gut. Not that I expected any less. It was what I loved about her.

Oh, shit. I said love.

Whatever. It felt damn good to share my big secret with her.

I looked at the ice cube melting in my scotch, creating blurry streaks in the amber liquid. “I’ve hated it for a long time,” I confessed. And boy, did it feel good to get it off my chest. “I just haven’t been sure what to do about it.”

“What would you rather do, work-wise?”

“Maybe something in nonprofit. I’m just not really liking law.”

She looked at me like I had two heads. “I’m astounded. You never said anything. Not a thing.” She took a sip of her champagne. The way she was looking at me just then…well, something was different.

I was getting the distinct feeling that the friendzone might at some point be a thing of the past for me.

Chapter 15


What a freaking palace Cato’s boss Steve lived in. I was just blown away by the views, the marble floors, and the outright fanciness. No wonder people became lawyers. And no wonder it was so cutthroat at the firm. Everyone wanted to live like Cato’s boss.
