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To Terra’s amazement, tiny blue and green flowers began popping up all over the dress, weaving their vines through the mesh of the black fabric and covering it in gorgeous profusion. They spread in waves over the flexible dress frame, like colored water. Almost before she knew it, the flower dress was finished with the dark blue and green blossoms covering the black fabric entirely.

“Put it on,” Kat urged her. “Oh, but first, put these on.” She handed Terra a small box about the size of a contact lens carrier. Inside were two tiny ruby teardrops. “They’re float dots,” Kat explained, when Terra looked up in confusion. “I notice you’re kind of big in the bust, so I thought you could use some.”

“Float dots?” Terra asked, frowning.

“They take the place of your bra,” Iyanna explained. “You just stick them on under each breast and they use a kind of antigravity to give you support.”

“So much more comfortable than elastic bands and straps and scratchy lace cups,” Kat added. “Go on, doll—I have a feeling you’re going to need them with that dress.”

“Um, okay.” Terra took the float dots and the dress behind the folding screen Kat had brought with her, which was set up in a corner of the living area of her suite. It felt strange to be taking off the boxy business suit she’d put on that morning, hoping to present a professional image when she met Iyanna, and slip into the flower dress instead. But somehow, that was what she was doing.

How in the world did I agree to this? she asked herself as she folded her skirt and blouse and blazer neatly and unsnapped her bra. I had no idea I’d be going to a whole other planet when I woke up this morning!

Her life certainly seemed to have taken a turn for the interesting, but there didn’t seem to be anything she could do about it. Terra felt rather like she was strapped into a roller coaster that had just begun its climb up the first tall hill—the ride was in motion and there was no getting off now.

The float dots worked as advertised, making her full breasts as firm and high as they had been back in college. In fact, for the first time since she’d had her son and breastfed him for over a year and a half, Terra liked the look of her boobs.

“Hey, these float dots really are amazing!” she called over the screen as she got them in place and admired the results.

“Aren’t they? We all love them,” Kat answered. “Now try on the dress, doll.”

Terra slid the flower dress carefully over her head, noting as she did so that the black frame the flowers were growing on was stretchy and surprisingly comfortable. The vines that were woven through the holes felt cool and ticklish at first but soon they warmed to her skin temperature and she barely noticed them.

Kat had taken her measurements with some kind of scanning laser before she started so the dress fit her to perfection, but it was rather revealing. Her newly perky breasts were fully exposed and the slit in the dress came up to her navel.

“Um, guys—weren’t there supposed to be some underpants that went with this?” she called through the screen.

“Oh right—sorry, doll. Here.” Kat handed her a pair of panties that were covered in flowers that matched the dress. They seemed to have a slit in the middle for some reason, but the flower petals covered it—mostly, anyway.

“How do you like it now?” Iyanna asked. “Can we see?”

“Well…” Terra stepped out from behind the screen with her hands over her breasts. “It’s really pretty, but I still feel kind of like I’m on display.”

“Oh, here—I can fix that.” Iyanna faced her and put her hands on both of Terra’s shoulders. She closed her eyes for a moment and furrowed her brow in concentration.

After a second, Terra began to feel a cool, ticklish sensation creeping under her hands and fingers.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, pulling her hands away. The tiny blue and green flowers had grown across from the sleeves of her dress to cover her nipples. Though the top and the bottom curves of her breasts were still exposed, at least her pink points were hidden. Well, mostly—they could still be seen poking out if the petals were disarranged.

“Do you like it better now?” Iyanna asked, opening her eyes.

“Much better,” Terra told her. “I had no idea you had such amazing power with plants!”

“Comes with being a Viridi Femma,” Iyanna said, smiling. “Apparently it’s a power I had all my life but being on board the Monstrum Mother Ship sort of…woke it up.”

“Well, it’s really fantastic,” Terra said admiringly. “Er, but do you think you could make the flowers just a little thicker over my breasts?”
