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“No.” He dipped his head close and whispered, “Word on the street is that he’s going to propose to his girlfriend.”

Her eyes widened and then she snorted. “Oh my God. Who started that one? I bet you it was Fitz. He has no shame.”

Jasper shook his head. “It wasn’t Fitz.”

“Then who? Monique?”

“Nope.” Jasper stepped back, and before she realized what was happening, he lowered himself to one knee. “It might possibly have been me.”

Hollyn’s mouth gaped open as Jasper pulled something from his back pocket and then opened a ring box in front of her. The diamond inside glinted in the overhead light in the room. “Oh my God.”

“Hollyn, I would never do this onstage. This is just for us. But the last year of my life has been my absolute favorite. I searched all my life, trying to find where I belong. And over this past year, I know without a doubt where that is. I belong with you. You have lit my world on fire in the best possible way. I love you.”

Hollyn’s hand pressed over her mouth and tears flooded her eyes.

“Hollyn Darling Tate,” he said, his voice choking up, “want to be a Dearest?”

Hollyn sank to her knees in front of him, her nose twitching like mad and tears leaking out. “You’re proposing to me in the podcasting room?”

He smiled, chagrined. “This wasn’t how I planned it. I had a whole script. A romantic night mapped out. But then I saw you standing there and you looked so pretty and I couldn’t wait and…”

“You improvised,” she said, her heart feeling too big for her chest. She reached out and cupped his jaw in her hands. She knew Jasper had been told all his life that he was impulsive, that he didn’t think things through, that he didn’t stick to the plan. But those people had gotten it all wrong. Jasper wasn’t broken. He didn’t need to be fixed. Jasper just knew how to follow his heart. She wouldn’t want the man she loved to be any other way. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” She kissed him. “Yes.”

Jasper let out a breath like he’d been legitimately worried. “Yes?”

“Yes, yes, yes. A whole lot of yes,” she said kissing him between each yes. “I love you so much I could die.”

“Thank God. But don’t die.” He snapped the ring box closed and tossed it to the side.

She turned, reaching for the flying box but missing it. “Jasper!”

But he was already toppling her over and putting her onto her back. She gasped. He grinned down at her and waggled his eyebrows. “The door’s locked.”

“Weare notgetting naked in the podcasting room.”

He smirked. “We just got engaged. I’m like epically in love with you. Of course we’re getting naked in the podcasting room.”

She laughed and he kissed her and she forgot to care what anyone else would think.

TheOccupiedsign stayed on for a long, long time.

Neither was in hurry to get anywhere anymore. Both were exactly where they wanted to be.
