Page 6 of Listen to Me

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The woman nodded. “Apple.”

Lena laughed. “I told you she understands more than she lets on.”

“Can she tell us more about the computer? What color? Was it old, new?”

“Jamal,” the grandmother said. “He help her buy.”

“Okay,” said Frost, jotting down the name in his notepad. “Which store does Jamal work at?”

Mrs. Leong shook her head. In frustration she turned and spoke to her granddaughter.

“Oh,thatJamal,” said Lena. “That’s the boy down the street, Jamal Bird. He helps a lot of the older ladies in the neighborhood. You know, the ones who can’t figure out how to turn on their TVs. You need to talk to him about the computer.”

“We will,” said Frost, closing his notebook.

“And she says you should use cold green tea and calendula, Detective.”


“For your sunburn.”

Mrs. Leong pointed to Frost’s painfully red face. “Feel much better,” she said, and for the first time she managed a smile. Frostwouldbe the one to finally coax a smile from this sad woman. Silver-haired ladies always seemed to treat him as their long-lost grandson.

“One other thing,” said Lena. “Grandma says you need to be careful when you talk to Jamal.”

“Why?” asked Jane.

“Because you’re police officers.”

“Does he have something against cops?”

“No. But his mother does.”
