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“Tired. It’s a wonder I can still get out of bed, but I just keep driving myself with the reminder that soon I’ll have a new body that never tires or hurts and can never become sick.”

A smile broke from Aaron’s lips. Daniel was always so positive. “I hope you don’t mind my showing up unannounced.”

“Of course not. You are always welcome here. Why don’t we go to the library and talk? Maya, would you bring us some coffee and then send Pablo down to the station to retrieve Mr. Bailey’s bags?” He turned to Aaron. “I presume they’re there?”

Aaron nodded. “I knew I’d do well just to make it up your mountain road without carrying anything.” He laughed, and Daniel smiled.

“Good. Maya, send Pablo. Give Aaron his regular room.”

The housekeeper had kept her distance so as not to interfere, but now she stepped forward to take the glass from Daniel. “I will send him and then have coffee waiting for you in the library.” She hurried off down the hall.

“And she will too,” Daniel said. “Even if I could move fast, she would move faster. I’ve never seen anything like it. She probably saw you somehow when you got off the train, and put the pot on.”

Aaron chuckled and helped Daniel to his feet. “She is a wonder.” He glanced around. “Where are Mrs. Garcia and your daughter this fine day?”

“Down in Silver Veil at the church. The ladies have one of their charity events today. They’ve been gathering clothes and shoes for the poor.” He leaned heavily on Aaron and coughed from time to time as they headed for the library. “Helena sent letters to all her friends and extended family and asked them to send what they could. She managed to get ten crates full of goods. Some of it looked brand-new, but her cousins can afford that. Now they are preparing it for distribution.”

“I thought Mrs. Garcia’s family had nothing to do with her.”

“Her mother and father were the instigators of that, and they are dead. As are her aunts and uncles. Her cousins, however, are quite different in their thoughts. They see no problem with our union. A couple of them even came to me for advice on investments.”

“I’m glad. I would hate to have my family turn their back on me.”

“If they did, you’d always have us.” He gave Aaron a weak smile. “So why have you come?”

“There are several reasons, but believe it or not, the Santa Fe wants me to make myself useful to you.”

“They know who butters their bread.” Daniel chuckled.

Aaron could hear how heavy his breathing had become and stopped. “We can rest a moment if you like. I’m not going to pretend you don’t have issues. That wouldn’t serve either of us well.”

Daniel nodded and leaned up against the wall. “No, you’re certainly right about that. It’s one of the reasons I esteem you so highly. You aren’t afraid of the truth.”

“I might dislike it, but no, I’m not afraid of it.”

They rested for a moment, and then Daniel pushed off the wall and started again. They reached the library shortlythereafter, and sure enough, a tray of coffee and cookies was already awaiting them.

Daniel pointed to it as Aaron led him to a chair by the fireplace. “I told you so.”

“You did indeed. May I bring you a cup?”

“Not just yet, but help yourself.”

Aaron poured himself a cup of coffee, grateful to know it would be the perfect blend. The coffee served by the Garcia kitchen was always smooth and nutty in flavor. He made his way to the fireplace and took the chintz-covered chair a few feet from Daniel’s.

“Now, just how useful would the Santa Fe like you to be?” Daniel asked, barely giving Aaron time to sample his coffee.

“They were intrigued when I mentioned your desire for me to come work for you full-time. They suggested I could manage the accounts here and represent you to the railroad while still remaining on their payroll. At least for a time.”

“That could prove very beneficial for you, but the work I have in mind for you would keep you more than busy. You’d have little time to do anything for the Santa Fe.”

Aaron suppressed a sigh. “I figured that would be the case, but I’m ready to discuss it with you. It would seem that the Santa Fe and God are of the same mind.”
